Chapter 14 [Edited]

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Reverse in tantrum!??!


Kiab with other agents trying their best to attack those army of robots and drones with what they have but they are too much. Kiab can't stand properly because her already exhausted, she drained her own energy.

She doesn't realize that one drone ready to aiming her from behind. The laser been launched, and Kiab still not realize it until someone push her side

The laser missed. Kiab shocked and look to one who push her, it was Reverse

“Reverse, are you okey?" asked Kiab worried. “Im okey, don't worry about it" replied Reverse

“How about those power spheras?" asked Kiab. “They are already repaired but now their in charger pod. Just wait for them been active again" answered Reverse

They look at those robots and drones. “Any report?" asked Reverse. Kiab reply “The agents already caught others except....




Him "

It make Reverse frowned, he really want to see that alien been caught toward for what he done but unfortunately he doesn't know where that alien went


Reverse heard someone shouted his name, it's kokotaim gang trying to defeat those robots and drones for come closer to him.

“You guys!!" shouted Reverse happily but he realized something or someone gone....“where is Boboiboy?"

That question make kokotaim gang turn their face to other way, no one want answer his question

“Did something happened?" asked Reverse again as he felt uneasy about it

“He was..........go meet that alien who kidnapped you" answer Yaya

Reverse's eyes widened, he meet him......? Why? Why he stomach tell him there will something bad will happen about this?

“Don't tell me...." mumbles Reverse loudly. Everyone around him look at him confused at their face

“Don't tell what?" asked Fang want to know as well his friends

“He destroyed those power spheras just to using their power to destroy Boboiboy......" mumbled Reverse but its loudly for them heard it

Kokotaim gang gasped. “He destroyed a power spheras only for their power!?" shouted Ying shocked. This is the must power sphera saviour don't like the most, the villain destroy the power sphera. Just why......they do such this thing!?!?

“It's okey. I already repaired them" said Reverse to make his friends relieve but he don't expect this one. “YOU CAN REPAIR A POWER SPHERA?!?!"

That made Reverse shut his ears along with Kiab. Just how their vocal core can survive with that high voice they made?

“Yes....." that only Reverse answer as well rubbing his ears. "What's wrong with it anyway?" added him

“Dey, we never hear that someone can repaired a power spheras in this short time" claimed Gopal meanwhile his friends nodded agreed. “To repair one power sphera need about 3 to 7 months or more to repairing it or they can't do that because to repair them is impossible" added Fang

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