Chapter 10 [Edited]

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The Old friend of mine....


'W-what is this....'


'What happened? What kind this place?'



' Why it's so dark? I can't see anything at all...'




Someone open his eyes and the first things he saw is the humanoid woman......She look calm and.....warm by her eyes

Her reaction after saw the person looking at her with his eyes is shocked and then see go out from the room to called someone

That person is confused, what happened? Where is he? What happened? And the most important...who is he....?

That woman come back with a man wearing a cloak or it called boss

"So you awake, huh?" asked boss and that person look afraid. That woman saw that figure afraid, she come closer and trying to calm that figure

"Hey, don't afraid. No one will hurt you as long I'm here" said that woman and surprisely that person calmed after hearing that. A boss saw this look at that woman

" Kiab, you will take care of this boy" said that boss and that woman or 'Kiab' nodded. They look that person again but the vision suddenly become blur....








Reverse or Dark open his eyes, and he rubbing it 'How long I been slept?'

He look at the outside of the shadow. There no one here.....

'Where did they go......'










At somewhere place, that actually no one care at all which is detention cell "So, he unconscious?" said the one and only the boss. "Yeah, boss." replied the alien." We will wait him to wake up. But if he not I will doing that 'work' with that TAPOPS agents"

After that they go out from that place and no one know a person in the cell slowly vanished in the shadow





Reverse go out from that ship and he go enter in their base all alone....

Through it with a shadow he trying to find his friend and hope nothing was happened to him. He been searching him for a minutes and no sign of him

"Can you do it faster?!!?" shouted someone and it come from a laboratory.

"Y-yes" said someone, the voice......sound like it's feminine's her voice

That person who shouted go out from that room and left that woman alone. Reverse go enter that laboratory.......he right, the woman voice was her........Kiab

𝑯𝑰𝑫𝑫𝑬𝑵 𝑬𝑳𝑬𝑴𝑬𝑵𝑻𝑨𝑳: 𝔸 𝔹𝔼𝔾𝕀ℕℕ𝕀ℕ𝔾 𝕊𝕋𝕆ℝ𝕐 Where stories live. Discover now