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Note: it's my idea so please respect it!



I am at the edge of dying... And here... Trying my best for everyone but just fails... sigh... Okay HERO dont think about it ...

But i hope after the incident... Everything will be fine... But... MARI became worst then before...

Can it never been a hindrance?...Will it destroy our plans? my plans for the both MARI and me?...and... Them? I am scared that she will leave me... After all what ive done for her...Love her... Being a good big brother to everyone... Being a perfect friend

Let's hope its not too late...

While i think of that... Someone knock at my door...

'who could that be?',

HERO: Who's there?.

A familiar voice came through the door

???: its me..... KEL

HERO: oh!

As i rush at the door to open it

HERO: K– KEL... Why are you here?

KEL: i... Have news...

HERO: oh then what is it?

KEL told the news to HERO... And the news made HERO scared...

HERO: WHAT! lets go tell AUBREY!

They went outside and told the "news" to AUBREY...

AUBREY: this is UNBELIEVABLE! She cant do that! MARI wont.....right?

KEL: i dont... Know...

KEL: lets go tell BASIL

HERO: yeah

AUBREY: i hope


MARI'S pov:

I wake up... Its morning... I see boxes around my house... And my stuff on those boxes... Mom and Dad did my request...


MARI: Mom...Dad... Can i have a request?

Mr.and Mrs. Suzuki glances at each other... Then look at MARI...

Mrs. Suzuki: anything dear, so what's the request?

MARI: can we... Just move another house?

Mr. Suzuki: wait what?

MARI: i dont want to stay here anymore! I will never treat this place a home... Even the backyard! It always bring back what happened that day! I want to forget! And i think this a way to forget everything! So... Can we? Please just move another house and another place to live except here?

Mrs. Suzuki hugs MARI and comfort her

Mrs. Suzuki: if this is what you want... Then we will do it... For your sake and... For the better...

Mr. Suzuki: yes we will... So when we will move?

MARI: i want it today...

Mrs. Suzuki: well did you know it takes days to pack? How about for 3 days?

Mr. Suzuki: Yeah, dont you want to see and spend your time here for your friends?

MARI: .....fine

Mr. Suzuki: how about going to your grandma's place? Her place is faraway here... Is that okay?

  OMARI AU| OMORI FANFICTION | Dearest Brother COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now