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(A/N: Heyaaa Guyysss!!! Miss u so muchh, its been 3 months since i haven't updated anything. And thank you for the ones who are active at reading this fanfic au. Ive read all your comments and you all are so funn XD, glad you all got the same humor as mine. Well– i wanted this book to be finished so yeah)

MARI: Dang it... This is so hard to undo...

"Just like what you did to your brother?"

MARI flinched and sweats cold at the sudden voice out of nowhere

MARI looks around frantically. Wondering its just someone here.

MARI: c- COME OUT! I- its not– its not the time to play around!

MARI wasn't sure if it was really someone or just a voice in her head again

"Aww... You dont recognize me?"

MARI: Of course i dont!


"You're It!"

A kid giggles... It most likely sounded like a little boy. MARI isnt having this

MARI: if whoever are you I'll catch you!

MARI is pissed. Why wont they just leave her alone? They all keep reminding a boy. Telling her about this "Little Brother"!

She doesn't even have one!—

MARI freezeEyes widened in disbelief. And falls on her knees.

She couldn't believe it... Why is she acting like her little sunshine didn't exist? Whats happening... Is she going crazy? Insane? About the thought of forgetting Her little brother again? AGAIN!?


MARI holds her head, and tears falling down.

MARI: no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no


MARI gets up quickly and runs outside the room. Leaving the rotting photo album.

MARI tries to find the voice again, that she believes its from her brother. She is desperate now. She feels guilty for making it go away... Oh of course! She should also try to apologize! Maybe... Just maybe!


MARI is now at the hallway, she see the stairs ahead that leaves downstairs. She saw... A boy... In front of it. The boy just turned and looks at her. The boy's eyes sparkled and smiled


Is that her brother? What should she do first???

MARI walks toward the boy, as she is near, the boy pulls MARI in a hug, wow... Its... Crazingly cold...

"Yeyy you found me!!"

The boy chuckled and looks at her. MARI is just staring at him. She doesn't even know what to call him.

MARI: ... Are you... Him?

The boy stared at her, he playfully raised an eyebrow

"Ahaha??? Its me"

"SUNNY, your little brother! Im your sunshine remember!?"

The boy– SUNNY pouts. MARI's tears falls down to her cheeks. As MARI hugs SUNNY, even though his embrace is cold...

  OMARI AU| OMORI FANFICTION | Dearest Brother COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now