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MARI'S pov:

Its already 3 am and i still cant sleep...am wondering why? Is it because i am worrying for something? Well i dont have a problem of my friends because mom told KEL so i think KEL will spread the news to them... so they are okay... And i am okay too ... Because we are moving tomorrow...
I wonder why...

Then i heard... music?... Someone is playing SUNNY'S violin... HERO fixed it... And gave it to me 1 week ago... But i just put it in the box and the box have a padlock in it, the keys are here with me ... So... Who, and why is something playing it?

I get out of bed to feed my curiosity... But hearing some notes of our... Duet... Makes me want to cover my ears and ignore it but no... I just approach the music room where me and SUNNY practice...

I have arrived at the front of the music room door and hesitate to open it... I open it slowly and saw..... After hearing a wrong note coming from the violin... It stopped...

???: Ugh, another wrong note! I should make this perfect...

It plays the violin again but it hit the wrong note again... SOMETHING tried to correct the note but keeps failing and if SOMETHING hits the wrong note... It always tries and tries to make it perfect... And a minute... It perfectly hits the note but this time... Correct and... Perfect...

???: Yes! I did it!

Then the door creaks that made it look at me... Then when SOMETHING saw me... It smiles and is overjoyed... He smiles at me holding the violin...

???: Oh MARI! Did you see it? I perfectly memories the notes! And can play it well now... Are you proud? Of me? Of your... Little sunshine?


SUNNY: now that i can play it well... We can do our DUET! Can we?

Am i hallucinating SOMETHING as SUNNY?

MARI: SUNNY... Is that really you?

SUNNY: ...


I hug "SUNNY", and he hugs me back...
I can feel he is a soul now... A ghost

SOUL SUNNY: MARI... Dont you want to see me one last time? I am sorry i have done it... Forgive me my Sister...

MARI: NO! i am the one who should say sorry because this wouldn't happen if i... If i...

I started crying... SUNNY notices it and wiped it..

SOUL SUNNY: dont cry MARI... It didn't suit you...

MARI: why... Are you here?

SOUL SUNNY: MARI... Can we play our duet... I dont get the chance of playing it after what i did... So let us play... Our... Our Final Duet...

MARI: sure... My little brother...

As i sit at my chair and face the piano... Touching the keys...

We started playing the duet we were supposed to play on our recital... And here we are... Playing it with "SUNNY"... While we play our Final Duet... Good memories is flashing in my eyes... Of how we and friends have a good time... Spending together... Chatting together... Having fun together... Those times... I miss it...

We were close on finishing our music but then... A horrible memory just flashed out of nowhere... That day...  When SUNNY died... And there is a flashing... Of how SUNNY... Commit suicide... While i and HERO talked about him...

SUNNY throwing his violin off the stairs

Me and SUNNY argue
Me yelling at him and Furious
SUNNY who is scared and Furious at me

He runs and HERO stop me so that the situation between me and SUNNY would solve by giving him time to think

SUNNY goes to his room, crying... Guilty and scared... SOMETHING is behind him...
It is persuading him...
(This scene is inspired by BASIL'S unalive act on Neutral Endings)

He have a jumping rope in his hands...

He goes to the kitchen and took the knife because he knows it will keep him safe...
He saw us, looking down at the violin and run so fast so that we cant see him...

He goes at the backyard and got trip by a plant... He fell from it... A sharp big piece of vase got pierced in his eyes and head... His eyes and head is bleeding and he is screaming in pain... Quietly

He goes up the tree house... Blood from his eyes... It is dripping from his knife... He come to the treehouse window to its tree branches

He ties the noose and tied it to the tree branches...

He place the jumping rope on his neck and is about to jump

He stopped and thinked that this is bad... He remembers us... Then he made a decision... He will not do it anymore... For us and for me...

SOMETHING PUSH HIM OFF THE BRANCHES... The rope still tied on his neck

He gasped for air and tries to take off the rope on his neck but fails...

*_L__ SH*
He sees SOMETHING in front of him... Watching him suffer...

"YoU aRe UsElEsS"

"wHaT a BuRdEn FoR mArI aNd FoR yOuR fRiEnDs"

"yOu DeSeRvE iT"


He dies and drop the knife... Blood dropping from it... His eyes was open... Dead..

Back to MARI'S POV:

After all of these flashes end, i hit the wrong note... And stopped
I glanced at where SUNNY was playing his violin... He... Is gone... He... Dissapeared...
He is now... Nowhere to be seen...The violin came back to where it was...

But those flashes... It just traumatized me more ... And makes me wanted to forget...
Tears flowing down on my cheeks... I cant take the burden i am having... I cant fully understood... Of what that flashes was true or not... I hope it isn't... It was all my fault...
SUNNY... I am sorry... We haven't finished our duet ... I just made a mistake... Please... Dont leave me... Again... Come back... Please... Please...

I started sobbing loudly at the music room... Wishing this was just a nightmare...
If i can go back to fix things... NO... there's no turning back... What happened must happen... What is dead, must stay dead.

–1024 words

  OMARI AU| OMORI FANFICTION | Dearest Brother COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now