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A/N: i didn't know what to put in the title hehe


Today is the day MARI will leave the town...
I don't know why but i should respect her own decisions...

Me, HERO and KEL are going to visit MARI and help her move the packages on the truck...

I was expecting BASIL to be here but i dont see him... I felt angry but i should control my emotions for now...

HERO: Some of your things on boxes are on the car...

MARI: thank you HERO...


KEL shouted at my ear and i was irritated so i smack him in the head

AUBREY: Could. You. Please. Dont. Shout. Near. Me?

KEL: i dont care

KEL rolled his eyes, i got so annoyed i clenched my fist

AUBREY: Looks like you. Want to. Die. Today. Hah!?

KEL: try me!

Im about to attack KEL but HERO stopped us...

HERO: guys, were here to help MARI not fighting here

KEL and AUBREY: okay

AUBREY: so, KEL. What do you want to show me?

KEL: um there is a..... There is that one box ONE BOX... Its heavy? Maybe its full of Orange Joe!

AUBREY: No! That box is not full of Ora– wait... There is?

HERO: Heh, that's not full of Orange Joe, Kel.

HERO: ill go get it–

MARI: no, I'll do it. You all can rest now. I can do it.

No one's Pov:

As MARI go and get the box... She didn't expect it to be heavy and that made her fell and the box she holds flew away landing to the stairs. Her mother saw it and said

HERO: oh no! MARI are you okay?

MARI: im fine!

Mrs. Suzuki: oh no! That box is filled with fragile things!

MARI: oh no-

KEL: ....Wayt... No Orange Joe?

AUBREY: ... Seriously Kel?

KEL: and it goes down the stairs and–

As a person just enters the house and catch it with perfect timing...

???: Gotcha! Phew, the box is safe... and heavy? What is inside this box!? Rocks?

KEL: and BASIL catch it...


The person who enters the house and have catched the box is BASIL...

BASIL: this one should be in the truck right? I'll go put it..

As BASIL put it in the truck and goes back to tell Mrs. Suzuki

Mrs. Suzuki: oh thank you! Eh uh um


Mrs. Suzuki: BASIL!? wait, this is BASIL?

HERO: yep

Mrs. Suzuki: oh, sorry for not recognizing you BASIL...Your clothes are black... And Your hair...

BASIL: i dyed my hair black and changed the flower in my hair into whitetulips

Mrs. Suzuki: oh, but why would you changed it? Your good with blonde and when did you like white tulips?

BASIL ignored Mrs. Suzuki and approach MARI, he glared at her. MARI stared back at BASIL...

Mrs. Suzuki: oh- innocent to emo... didn't know pain can change personalities too–

MARI: ...

BASIL: ...

MARI: ...

BASIL: are you gonna keep staring at me than thanking me!? How awful of you!

MARI: oh... Sorry... And thank you for catching it...

BASIL: hmm

AUBREY: oh, didn't expect you here BASIL

HERO: were so happy your here

BASIL: yeah yeah

KEL: oh MARI, what time are you gonna move?

MARI: This afternoon, so we have 4 hours left

HERO: oh i see

HERO laughs nervously

HERO looks at KEL, he thinks KEL wanted to do something ... And he know what exactly was... It would be hard for everyone but he should do it for his brother...

HERO: Sooooooo

HERO caught the attention of everyone

HERO: Well MARI have four hours to leave so how about we spent this last hours together?

KEL eyes sparkled


KEL seemed happy, and the others too

Mrs. Suzuki: well okay then, have fun kids! And be careful too.

AUBREY, KEL, HERO: Yes, Mrs. Suzuki

MARI smiles and nods

BASIL let out a sigh: okay then

AUBREY: and thank you!

As the group goes outside to spent their last hour with MARI, who was moving out of town...


–686 words

  OMARI AU| OMORI FANFICTION | Dearest Brother COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now