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HERO flinched of the sudden AUBREY calling his name when he is in deep thoughts.

HERO: wh- what is it?


I dont know, i feel so uncomfortable... The way AUBREY staring at me right now... Something is not right...

i saw MARI, checking her phone and scrolling something... MAybe she's busy about it.

MARI's Pov: oh... Is BASIL calling me many times? Since i always silent or put down the volume for notifications and calls... And also, im suprised since BASIL block me... Guess i think he.needs something...

Oh? He texted 'i have something to tell you, very important. Like it ir not. Its about SUNNY'...



i... Always escape or cover my ears if someone is talking about my brother especially hearing it from My friends... 
Should i... Go or not?



Maybe i shouldn't... Im always not ready if its about my brother... Im sorry BASIL, i need some time... Maybe... Maybe not today...

As i put my phone back in my pocket. As i hear someone mentioning my name.

HERO'S pov:

i turned to AUBREY, having a concerned expression.

HERO: I'll ask twice, what is it again?

I asked her calmly. She then responded, still staring at me, and also KEL.

AUBREY: Can you two go ahead? I want to tell something to MARI

MARI: huh? Um, okay... They can stay-

AUBREY: no... I only want to tell this ONLY MARI... Its private...

HERO: uh... Okay...

I turned to KEL, he is focusing on AUBREY, staring. Why do i sense deja vu????

No One's Pov:

KEL stops staring at AUBREY and sigh. KEL turns to HERO

KEL: HERO, lets just get some orange joe. I saw a vending machine full of it.

KEL said this with a serious and concerned tone which making HERO feel uneasy...

HERO: Is that okay to you MARI? For us leaving you two for a bit?

MARI: well, theyre serious... So okay...

HERO: okay then. KEL, lead the way.

KEL nods

As HERO and KEL gives them some privacy. They left for a bit. Leaving MARI and AUBREY alone.

AUBREY: Hey MARI, how about we go to the lake? Let's talk there...

MARI: Okay...

At the lake

AUBREY: Let's sit here...

They sit on the grass but near the water that they can see their reflection.

MARI: so... What do you wanna talk about?

AUBREY: i know this is all of the sudden but... It also relate to SUNNY... No, its All about SUNNY...

MARI: .... Go on... Talk

AUBREY: ....

AUBREY: i.... Had a crush on SUNNY...

MARI eyes widened, though its really normal to her.

  OMARI AU| OMORI FANFICTION | Dearest Brother COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now