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MARI's Pov: oh... Is BASIL calling me many times? Since i always silent or put down the volume for notifications and calls... And also, im suprised since BASIL block me... Guess i think he.needs something...

Oh? He texted 'i have something to tell you, very important. Like it or not. Its about SUNNY'...



i... Always escape or cover my ears if someone is talking about my brother especially hearing it from My friends... 
Should i... Go or not?



I sighed as i texted back 'I'll be right there'

As i put my phone back in my pocket. As i hear someone mentioning my name. Seeing HERO and AUBREY talking.

HERO: I'll ask twice, What is it again?

AUBREY: i want to talk something to MARI, and its Private so Its only Me and MARI.


KEL: No. Me and HERO will not leave. We'll stay.


MARI: Can we go to BASIL'S house? H- he texted me... Wanted to tell.something important.

AUBREY: But i have too!-

KEL: AUBREY, just stop.

AUBREY: ... UGH Fine!

AUBREY looks like felt defeated, but, i feel she is still curious about something... And felt like she planned it and ready queationing ut to me... I wonder what is it... But i guess we can... Just move it aside... Maybe... First to BASIL then to AUBREY.


The gang arrives at BASIL HOUSE. HERO pressed the doorbell, letting know they are here. As the door began to open, revealing a woman.


POLLY: Oh hi you four! BASIL is been waiting for you! How are you? Oh please come in!

The four enters BASIL'S house, aand POLLY leading them to the couch. all four of them sits there, KEL on HERO'S side and AUBREY on MARI'S side. POLLY wants to offer them a drink so she ask what drink they want.

HERO: Oh! Um thats so very kind of you POLLY but you dont need to do it–

POLLY: Aww its fine HERO! You all are my special guests! And we all have never got to see each other 4 months ago after the inc– OKAY what's yours HERO?

POLLY cut herself for mentioning what happened 4 months ago. She didn't want to bring it up so they wont get uncomfortable. HERO was able to hear what she will say and looks at the group. Phew, they didn't hear it. HERO also takes the excuse.

HERO: Well um... I'll just drink what they want too. They should decide!

He points at Them. POLLY looks at MARI.

MARI: ... I don't know either... How about you AUBREY?

AUBREY: .....

AUBREY: Um... I dont know either... (Chocolate or Coffee?)

KEL: How about Orange Joe!

POLLY: Got expired

KEL: ... WHEN!?

POLLY: yesterday...


POLLY: At the Fridge.

KEL: oh, what a waste. i'll drink it! Then where are they!?

HERO: EH!? wait thats unhealthy!

KEL: Orange Joe is still an Orange Joe!

KEL said with a smile, HERO completely is glad to see KEL like this again.

KEL: SOOOO WHere is it!?

POLLY: In the trash... ... ... Sorry KEL.


AUBREY rolls her eyes. Still seemed unpleasant and annoyed for KEL'S behavior. But she aint angry for what happened earlier.

KEL screamed frustrated hopeless. Now he swore to bury them and have a proper funeral.


KEL: ... Sorry...

KEL whispers at HERO

KEL: lets go get the Orange Joe on the trash and set a proper burial for it. I want them to go to heaven!

HERO: Eh!?

POLLY: Hmmm so none of you dont know what you all want yo drink? Hmmm maybe a Cup of tea will do? Or An Orange Juice?

AUBREY: Orange Juice for me

MARI: Hmmm A Cup of Tea will be kinda relaxing!

KEL: maybe Orange juice... Well at least its Orenji.

HERO: A Cup of Tea please! And thank you so much POLLY.

POLLY: No problem HERO!

POLLY: BASIL... would you like some too?

BASIL: ... Um... Im okay!

POLLY: okay then! I'll get and make some now, Guys if you ever needed me im just at the kitchen.

BASIL: sure.....

As POLLY left, BASIL stares at KEL.

BASIL: You dare to scream, I'll choke you.

KEL: aww that's so rude of you... Hehe

AUBREY: Hey, can i go to the Bathroom?


AUBREY: thanks and also

AUBREY looks at KEL and Whispers something.

AUBREY: i guess thank you too, might gone insane.

AUBREY rushed at the bathroom.

KEL smiled and glad their platonic relationship is on good terms now...

MARI looks at BASIL.

MARI: Can you, start now? What do you want?


BASIL: We need to be complete. Let's wait for AUBREY.

MARI: Sure.

BASIL: No wayt i think its best if its personal.... You can tell it to them... I dont have the guts to... Tell it infront of these... "People"

HERO: EHEM, that's rude of you.

BASIL: dont worry, i treat you all fairly... People.

KEL: i dont know if i can laugh... Or be Angry... Should i also talk back?

HERO: it ᴀ ᴏᴋᴀʏ, it will only get worse.

KEL: okay....

MARI: Stay here you two. You can tell AUBREY why im not here.

HERO: okay then, and one. Please avoid any arguments or fight again...

BASIL eye's widened. Still fazed on HERO worrying about him and MARI.

MARI: sure... We will... Try...

HERO: thank you.

BASIL: Where should we talk?

MARI: Your room.

BASIL: kay...

as the two left the living room

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