Fight // Angst + Fluff

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"You know what." Cartman suddenly speaks up. The other 3 members of the group turn their attention to him. "I haven't seen a good fight in a while."

Cartman smirks and Kenny starts clapping his hands together, excited for whatever Cartman is planning on doing. It's been a boring month at South Park High and a good fight would be able to make things interesting.

Kyle on the other hand, was not prepared for anymore of Cartman's havoc. He sighed, "Cartman what are you planning on doing?"

"Okay okay hear me out- " Cartman walked a few steps ahead of himself so that he was now in front of all 3 of the boys. He grinned evily, "I was thinking; we need a really good fight! Not just some unsurprising shit that can happen any day, we need something that will SHOCK everyone!"

Stan and Kyle exchanged glances. Stan looked back at Cartman, "okay?"

Cartman continued, "so..." he pointed at Tweek and Craig who were standing at Tweeks locker and chatting with one another. "Tweek and Craig."

Stan, Kyle, and Kenny all looked at Cartman as if he was insane. Well he was, but damn. Was he serious?

Kyle spoke up first, "dude, what?!?!"

Cartman smiled, "it's perfect! They're the perfect couple: never fighting, so clearly in love with each other... imagine how thrilling it would be if they suddenly fought!"

The 3 boys looked at one another before Kenny and Stan shrugged. "Yeah that sounds good."

"WHAT?!" Kyle asks concerned. "Dude, we can't go fucking up their relationship just because we're bored!"

"Ohh, calm down you pussy." Cartman teased. "They're so gay for each other they'll be all over each other again in just a few days."

"Yeah it'll be fine." Kenny replied.

The 3 boys all stared at Kyle. Instead of giving in Kyle just got more upset, "I'm not helping with this." He grabbed his books for his next class from his locker and began to walk away. "This is a bad idea, I'm telling you!"

"Yeah yeah whatever pussy!" Cartman yells back. He snickers to himself knowing it probably made Kyle even more upset.

"Alright so how do we do it?" Stan asks.

"Well," Cartman began "do either of you know how to photoshop?"

"I do!" Kenny said raising his hand as if he were answering a question in class.

"Great. Now, we need to get Bebe to help us with this." Cartman explains, "we'll ask if we can use her to photoshop some images of her and Tweek together. Then we'll go tell Craig that Tweek has been cheating on him and show him the proof!"

"Would Craig even believe us?" Stan asks.

"If we make the images look real enough," Cartman says. "Bebe is a slut for drama so I'm sure she'll help us" he snickered.

"Okay.. I'll go talk to Bebe and see if she'll help us." Stan said.

"Great!" Cartman smiled, "meet me and Kenny in the computer classroom after."

—The next day—

"Oh this is gonna be great!" Cartman said as he messaged Stan the photos. "Remember: make it seem realistic. DON'T LET HIM KNOW THAT WE HAD SOMETHING TO DO WITH IT!"

Stan nodded, "alright alright. And don't stare so much or he'll know it's not real." He began to walk over to Craig's locker. Tweek wasn't with him luckily, so the plan would move smoothly without disruption. Stan approached Craig and acted sad, "hey dude..."

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