Star Comes to Earth

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Wanna try something new lol

The episode begins on exterior shot of Mewni.

Far, far away, in a magical land called Mewni, lived a princess– Star Butterfly.

Cut to interior shot of castle, on a portrait of Star Butterfly, King Butterfly, and Queen Butterfly.

Star: Rail slide!

Star Butterfly slides down the staircase rail and breaks a floating crystal decoration. The portrait falls on top of her. She rips through it as she stands up, and the chandelier tilts.

Some people have called me reckless and irresponsible just because...

Cut to interior of a cave, where Star fights monsters.

Star: ...I fight monsters...

Cut to shot of a unicorn drinking from a creek.

Star: ...and tame wild unicorns.

Star lands on the unicorn's back, and the unicorn rears up.

Star: Yee-haw!

Star rides the unicorn through Mewni, scaring some of the civilians.

Star: I like to have fun! And I'm about to have a whole lot more because today is my 14th birthday! And according to tradition, my mom the queen has to bestow upon me our greatest family heirloom: the royal magic wand!

King and Queen Butterfly wait for Star in the throne room. The audience looks to the doors. Just before the guards open them, Star and the unicorn crash through, scaring the audience. As the unicorn crashes through the rear wall, Star jumps off and lands by her parents panting in excitement.

Queen: Now, Star, this wand is a big responsibility. If it falls into the hands of evil forces, the universe could be destroyed.

The princess starts laughing as Star takes the wand from Queen Butterfly, and it magically changes from a royal scepter form to a light purple form with white wings.

Star: Don't worry, Mom. I can handle it.

Smash cut to Star looking distressed outside Mewni. Behind her, Mewni is on fire and its civilians are screaming in terror. Star slowly shuffles off-screen. At the castle, King and Queen Butterfly and Glossaryck observe through binoculars.

King and Queen: She can't handle it.

Cut to shot of a manticore-drawn carriage. The camera pans over to Star pleading to her parents.

Star: Nooooo! I can be good. Please! Don't send me to St. Olga's Reform School for Wayward Princesses!

Thunder strikes. Cut to shot of Star being sent to St. Olga's Reform School on a conveyor belt while screaming. Cut back to Star still screaming while clinging to her mother's dress.

King: Sweetheart, we're not sending you there.

Star: Oh!

King: Yet.

King: We're sending you to train in a safer dimension; a place called Earth.

Star: Earth?

Queen Butterfly pushes Star toward the carriage as she wails.

King: Manfred, open the portal.

Manfred uses a pair of dimensional scissors to open a portal. The carriage moves through it as Star looks forlorn.

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