Freeze Day

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The episode begins at the Diaz Household. In the bathroom, Star straightens her red horned headband in the mirror. While Jason was tying his hair back humming.

Star: Eh.

Using her magic wand, Star cycles through several different headbands: a flower headband...

Star: Ugh. Jason what'd you think?

He turns seeing her now wear a ...a pirate hat...

Jason: Nah.

Star: Uhh.

She then changes to a red fez with a gold tassel...

Star and Jason: Eh.

Then a blue unicorn horn and mane...

Jason and Star: Ugh.

And finally a green cactus headband. Which Jason holds a thumbs up too.

Star: Ah! Cacti for the win.

Marco bursts into the bathroom as laser puppies yap around his feet. He rushes up to the mirror and shoves Jason and Star out of the way.

Marco: Out of the way! I overslept! I'm gonna be late!

Marco briefly rummages through things on a nearby shelf. He brushes his teeth with a hairbrush and his hair with a toothbrush. Behind him, the laser puppies scurry around shooting lasers in random directions.

Marco: Ah! Where's my hoodie?!

Jason: Dude you gotta chill.

Star: Yeah Marco. We can still get to school by first period.

Marco puts his red hoodie on backwards and pulls the hood off his face.

Marco: This isn't about learning! This is about love.

Flashback to Marco standing next to the Echo Creek Academy lockers. He looks at his phone while straightening his hair. His phone clock reads "7:56".

Marco: Every day, I get there by 7:55, because at exactly 7:56, Jackie Lynn Thomas gets there.

Jackie skates up to Marco on her skateboard. She skates past him.

Marco: And we share a nod.

Marco nods to Jackie. Jackie nods back and continues skating away.

Marco: It's kind of our thing.

Cut back to Diaz Household bathroom – present day. Star's eyes are wide with affection. While Jason's was weirded out.

Star: Awww... Wait. A nod? You don't even say hi?

Marco: I'm working up to that.

Marco takes a folded-up paper out of his pocket and unfolds it.

Marco: See? It's all a part of my 23-step plan. I'm already on step 4: nodding every day.



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