Monster Arm/ The Other Exchange Student

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The episode begins at the Diaz Household. In Marco's bedroom, Marco positions his hand over a plank of wood. As he takes a deep breath in and out. But Star was seen skipping by in the background.

Star: La, la-la, la-la, la-laaa. Huh?

Marco: Hiii-yah!

Marco chops the wood in half.

Star: Whoa. You hate wood, too? Yeah, crush that wood! Wood's the worst!

Marco: No, I'm practicing for my upcoming Tang Soo Do tournament.

Star: Oh.

Marco: You see, Star, martial arts is all about honor and discipline. Which is why... I'm going to kick Jeremy Birnbaum's butt!

Star: Jeremy Birnbaum? Isn't that the talking bear that used to rummage through my parents' garbage?

Jason then walks in drinking a bottle of water wearing his undershirt which was just a basic black tank top, with a towel around his neck, showing he got done with a workout.

Jason: He's just this creep in Me and Marco's dojo who's only any good because his rich parents buy him fancy equipment and private lessons I've never seen him just heard of him. I mean he's not greater then me, I'm just one of a kind.

He looks at the camera in a shut motion as if freeze frames on him smirking. With a song playing.

(Play at 1:08 then stop)

The scene resumes cutting to a pumped up Marco.

Marco: But Saturday, he's gonna get a taste of this!

Marco stacks three planks of wood. But Jason looked unsure about his brother doing three planks.

Jason: Um. Maybe you should-

Marco: Hiiiiii-YAH!

Jason: Okay.

As soon as Marco makes impact on the board it cuts to black. As his scream of pain was all that was heard. Fade in on Marco's broken arm in a cast. The cast reads "Get well s♡♡n! Star!" and has several drawings on it.

Marco: This is a nightmare! If I can't fight Jeremy, he'll say I wussed out, and he'll never let me live it down! Jason can't you take my place?

Jason: Sorry bro, sensei said I'm not allowed to spar anymore after I took down half the class besides I'm being taught in Wing Chun, your being taught in Tang Soo Do. And also I'm not gonna beat up a snobby kid who knows not to mess with me.

Cut to Star using her magic wand to switch hairstyles.

Star: Pigtails? Ponytail? Pigtails? Ponytail? Pigtails?

Marco: Wait a minute. You have a wand! You could just fix my hand!

Star's last hairstyle is a hodgepodge of pigtails and ponytails.

Star: You know... That sort of spell is not really in my comfort zone. Oh, but if you like, I can give you a pretty wicked set of pigtails. I'm sure Jason can rock em since he has such gracious and luxurious Samoan hair.

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