Mewnipendance Day

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Episode begins at Diaz household's yard, Buff Frog is spying on Star. A floating eye suddenly appears, and interrupts Buff Frog's labor. The scene changes into the insides of Jason and Marco's house, where Star sitting in the couch and holding a sword, trying to get the attention from a crowd of people.

Star: Okey, quiet everyone, QUIET! Quiet. I assume you all brought your swords...

The "Crowd" is shown: Sensei Brantley, Miss Skullnick, StarFan13, Jason, Marco, Alfonzo, Ferguson, Janna, Ed and Francis.

Jason: Uh... Wha?

Star: It's said on the invitation: You're supposed to bring a sword...

She shows the card.

Alfonzo: I was little confused by your invitation.

Miss Skullnick grabs the invitation card.

Skullnick: I am not confused, this is clearly a drawing of meat, I came for the meat...

Marco: I think everyone is just wondering why they're here.

Star: Ahh, It's the 37th of Gravnogk? Mewnipendence Day?

People still don't seem to understand, so Star becomes stressed and goes to search for an explanatory book, and then proceeds to explain the event to the people.

Star: A long time ago, arrived the first settlers of Mewni...

She moves a tiny explanatory boat while making boat noises.

Star: Modest people with noble pursuits: Life, Liberty and Corn...

Star then unfolds the page while explaining.

Star: But the wicked monsters rose up and attacked the innocent Mewmans to re-steal Mewni for themselves.

She finishes unfolding that page, and then passes to the next one, where a Queen and some peasants can be seen.

Star: So the Queen used her magic to turn the simple peasants into a fearsome army!

The effects of the magic are seen while Star unfolds the page.

Star: And there there was fighting..., fighting, fighting, fighting,, fighting, fighting...

Star passes through the "Fighting" pages quickly, without explaining them.

Star: and the Mewmans won!

Star stops at the presumably last page, that one shows the present day Star's Family Palace and its tiny surroundings

Star: Tadaah!

Star unfolds tiny celebration fireworks while making firework noises.

Jason: Wait... You just blew past all the important stuff!

Skullnick: When do we eat?

Star: We feast after we reenact "THE GREAT MONSTER MASSACRE". Now please split into two teams: Monsters and Mewmans.

Skullnick: Can I be a Mewman?-

Star: You are already a Monster: That's why you were invited.

Skullnick goes grumbling to the "Monsters" team, the rest of the people get to choose their teams, except for Jason and Marco who is stopped by Star.

Star: You get to be my General... as for you Jason you'll be the King!

Marco: Thanks.

Jason: Why am I the king?

Star: So the teams would be even duuuh.

Jason: ....You ever feel like that this royal status would come back and bite us in the future?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02 ⏰

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