Blood Moon Ball

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The episode begins on a brief shot of the sky. There's a partial red moon. Camera pans down to Oskar playing keytar on his car in the Echo Creek Academy parking lot. A black and red carriage pulled by a skeleton horse emerges from the ground in a pillar of fire. The carriage door opens, and a pair of feet steps out and walks and toward the school.

Oskar: Hey, that's a handicap spot

The skeleton horse looks at Oskar. Oskar pauses before going back to playing his keytar. Cut to school interior. The figure walks through the hallway, igniting small flames with his shoes. Several female students stare at him.

Hope: Who's that?

Chantel: He's hot.

Jackie Lynn Thomas and Janna pass by on a skateboard, looking mesmerized. The figure enters a classroom and stops in front of the class. He levitates Ingrid's desk in the front and floats up to Star behind her revealing to be Tom. He removes his sunglasses

Tom: Hey, Star. I'm here to take you...

He creates a flaming crescent moon in his hand.

Tom: the Blood Moon Ball.

Cut to Star dragging Tom by the hand back toward his carriage.

Star: Nope-nope-nope-nope-nope. You need to leave right now. Take your carriage and fire and dead horse, and go back to the underworld.

Horse: Wait. I'm dead?

Star walks away.

Tom: Oh, come on, Starship!

Tom sweeps Star off her feet with flames and levitates her into his arms.

Tom: It's the Blood Moon Ball! It only happens once every 667 years.

Star flips backward out of Tom's arms.

Star: We broke up! Period!

Tom: Wait, wait, wait, wait. Star, hang on. I'm a changed man, okay? I've got a life coach, Brian.

Brian: Hi.

Tom: He's awesome. A happy bunny. And, and I have been anger-free for 53 days.

Tom reveals a button on his shirt that reads "53 DAYS ANGER FREE".

Star: 53?

Tom: Don't you want to pet my bunny?

Tom's bunny winks at Star.

Star: Well, he is adorable.

Marco: Hiii-yah!

Marco leaps on-screen and chops off Tom's right hand. The hand still moves around on its own as Jason just looked with his arms crossed.

Marco: Back off, demon!

Star: Marco!

Tom holds his arm in pain. He glares at Marco with glowing red eyes. That's when Jason stepped in front of Marco staring down Tom as his own eyes began to flicker green but this time his hands were glowing as the energy was being formed into a sword.

Star: Oh no.

Brian goes up to Tom and walks him around in circles. Tom's head stays fixated on Jason.

Brian: Walk it out and talk it out. Walk it out and talk it out. Walk it out...

Star: Uh, you better run.

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