St. Olga's Reform School for Wayward Princesses

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The episode opens with us seeing a bright light appear. Next is Jason plunges through light and falls through the darkness. He opens his eyes
and lands on a bright white platform.

Awaken Green Warrior...

Jason: Who's there?

The coin brought me. I felt it power in the distance...and followed it here.

Jason: Yeah. That was my coin.

We see the platform is broken.

Jason: But this coin... what is it? Why did it choose me?

As like you it sensed you as its next host. And just like you. Your family will deal with even greater evils.

Jason: Huh? Family? I don't even know my family.

The broken area of the platform fills in.

Now that you've have heard my voice. Nothing else will slip away. And one day... you'll be strong enough to aid them in the part thats already in play.

Jason: Aid who?

Intelligence. Heart. Strength. And Hope.

Jason: Great the coin speaks and its even more criptic. Thanks.... I guess?

It's time to wake up now. All you need to do is...

Jason: Open the door... wait how'd I-

The blank light of the platform turns into a picture of the four gemstone last chapter as it seems to circle around a weird frog print in the middle.

The blank light of the platform turns into a picture of the four gemstone last chapter as it seems to circle around a weird frog print in the middle

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The scene fades to an exterior shot of the Diaz household, then screen cuts to Star dancing.

Star: I just called 'cause have to say, happy birthday on your birthday day, happy birthday on your birthday day! And... there's a special delivery coming right your way, your favorite.

Star grabs a tray of cupcakes. Pony Head is surprised by the cupcakes with small fireworks.

Star: Only the best for the best bestie a best bestie could have.

Pony Head: Ah, oh my goodness! Thank you so much B-fly! I mean, a princess such as myself, could never tolerate such confections. But would you please donate them to the starving bartendens of Galafamor on my behalf?

Star looks at Pony Head, shocked.

Star: Did you bump your uni-horn again?

Pony Head: Girl, you know we can't receive packages here at St. Olga's School for Wayward Princesses.

Star screams and drops the tray of cupcakes from running away.

Star: St. O's, St. O's, St. O's!

Screen shows a shot of Star's room which is silent, except for Star's boots kicking under from the rug.

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