Fortune Cookies

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The episode begins at the Diaz Household. Star throws a punch at the camera, which cuts to Three-eyed Potato Baby, Buff Frog, and Beard Deer falling over. Camera shifts to Jason, Star and Marco side by side, dodging attacks and blasting spells. Ludo watches the battle from atop a nearby rock.

Ludo: How are you losing?! You guys have, like, 200 pounds on her!

Camera shifts back to Star and Marco, blasting Beard Deer in his pants as he cries.

Ludo: At least hit her with a rock or something!

Bearicorn roars and throws a pebble at Jason and Star's head. They don't budge and Jason looks to Star with a smirk. He then kicks Bearicorn.

 He then kicks Bearicorn

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Ludo groans. As Jason jumps up and down then dusted off his under armour shoes and ended his celebration with a break dance.

Jason: Woooooo!

Jason: Woooooo!

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Star: Woo-hoo!

After bouncing off a two-headed monster, Star jumps onto a cactus.

Star: Off the cactus, over the tree! Nothin' but net!

Star fires a Dagger Crystal Heart Attack. It ricochets off a cactus and into the back of the giraffe monster's neck.

Star: Told you I could do it.

Jason and Marco smiles and almost gives Star a dollar bill. Marco turns around to see several monsters approaching in a line.

Marco: Double or nothing! One kick, seven monsters!

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