Brittney's Party/Mewberty

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The episode begins at Echo Creek Academy. Star walks through the hallway with a big grin.

Girl: There she is!

Boy: Hey, Star!

Girl: Hi, Star Butterfly!

Boy: What's goin' on, girl?

Science kid: Star, will you be my science partner? Oops.

The science kid drops a chemical beaker, causing a small explosion.

Star: You bet!

A girl named Chelsea runs up to her holding a pie pan.

Chelsea: Star, I baked you a pie!

Star: All right!

Then a boy named Moobs shows up eating the pie.

Moobs: Star, I ate the pie!

Star: I knew you would!

She high-fives them both as another student walks up to her.

Starfan13: Star, I wallpapered my locker with pictures of you.

She opens her locker filled with multiple photos of Star.

Star: That's weird... 'cause I wallpapered my locker with pictures of you!

She opened her locker with Starfan13 photos, they both high-five. A boy named Carlos runs up to her now.

Carlos: Star! Star! Oh, please zap me! Please, please, please!

Star uses her magic wand to turn Carlos into a piñata.

Carlos: Gracias, Star! No wonder everyone's your amigo!

Star: Aw, thanks!

Student: Olé!

A banner appears behind Carlos that reads "¡FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS!" Janna, Lars, and other kids appear with bats.

Player: Oh, yeah! Hit him!

Star approaches a line of students as bat strikes are heard off-screen.

Star: Ooh, a line! I love lines! Why are we in line?

A girl named Sabrina turns to face her.

Sabrina: Only for the most important social event of the year–Brittney Wong's birthday party!

Sabrina points up to a blimp that reads "BRITTNEY WONG'S BIRTHDAY PARTY! NO LOSERS ALLOWED!"

Star: Ooh!

Brittney Wong is shown walking down the line handing out party invitations. She walks up to Alfonzo.

Brittney: No.

Cut to Hope.

Brittney: No.

Cut to Dom

Brittney: No.

Cut to Chantal.

Brittney: Yes.

Cut to Timmy.

Brittney: No.

Cut to Ashlyn

Brittney: Ye... No.

Cut to Moobs

Brittney: Bleh! No!

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