Party With a Pony/Matchmaker

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The episode begins on exterior shot of the Diaz Household during nighttime.

Marco: All right, Star...

Cut to interior – kitchen.

Jason: Feast your eyes on this!

Marco reveals a plateful of hot, cheesy nachos.

Star: Marco's Super Awesome Nachos!

Star claps excitedly and picks up a nacho.

Star: Triangle food!

Before the teens could feast on some cheesy nachos. There's a knock at the door which Jason answers. When he answered no one was there. The camera pans left as Jason looks around. The camera then pans back right, and Jason sees a floating Pony Head.

Pony head: Yo, what up, home fries?


Jason then falls over, spilling his nachos.

Star: Oh, my gosh!

As Star comes outside, she steps on Jason as he groans in pain and there was a squeak?

Star: Flying Princess Pony Head!

Pony Head: Oh, hello, "B-Fly"!

Star hugs Pony Head and giggles.

Pony Head: Girl, we're going out tonight! Are you ready to make some ba-a-ad choices?

Star: Let me just wake up Jason.

Jason lies on the ground, motionless and covered in nachos and cheese.

Pony head: Oh, that is not a dead person?

Jason: Not... dead...

Star and Marco help Jason up off the floor as he began to wipe the cheese off his clothes.

Star: Pony Head, meet my bestest friends Marco and Jason Diaz.

Pony head: Your best friend?

Star: Huh? Oh, no-no-no! On Earth! You're my best friend on Mewni. Jason, Marco, this is the pony I've been telling you about.

Pony head: I hate your faces. Plus you're ugly. Just kidding. That's a joke. Tick-tock, girl. Let's paaartaaay!

Star: Yeah, guys! Let's paaartaaay!

Marco: With her? Um, okay, well, I was gonna... But I... I was gonna...

Jason: There's no way Im going partying with a floating my little pony doll head.

Star gives a sad puppy-dog pout. As Jason made a sour face then sighed in defeat, he hanged his head low while Marco also sighs.

Marco: I... Ugh. Alright.

Marco picks a nacho off his brother's shirt and eats it.

Star: My three besties are gonna be besties!

Pony head: Sweet! Let's go!

Pony Head reveals a pair of dimensional scissors in her mouth.

Star: Dimensional scissors?! Aah! Jealous!

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