ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟙: ℙ𝕣𝕠𝕞𝕚𝕤𝕖

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Restless sleep wasn't new to the Kamado siblings. Sleepless nights and for some even night terrors. It wasn't unusual to see them having eye bags and slouched posture. Either one is yawning each minute that goes by. It's as if they were sleeping on a bag of peas.

"Nezuko? Are you okay? You're staring off again," Kiki nudged Nezuko's arms. Nezuko didn't flinch or even show a sign of disturbance. She just nodded and kept cleaning the already sparkly floor.

Kiki kept her concerned look on her face. With each clumsy action, made by Nezuko, made Kiki cringe and contort her face in ways that seemed impossible. She hissed and smacked her lips every one in a while to gain Nezuko's concentration back.

"I'm taking a break," Nezuko's lifeless voice, quietly spoke. Her bare feet slapping against the bamboo floor. Kiki followed her figure until she was completely gone. With each step, Nezuko's body wobbled like a leaf in the wind.


Meanwhile, Tanjiro was in the garden laying on the grass, enjoying the slowly burning sun. Lately, Tanjiro has seen some changes on him. Every time he goes into the sunlight, after a while of no shade, he develops rashes that quickly fade in the shade. Yes, it's quite strange, but Tanjiro doesn't pay it any mind. After all, it goes away. Or, whenever he tastes blood or meat, his canines grow in. Length. Or at night his nails grow and skin gets paler. His eyes become glowing red. It's strange, but he just thinks it's a lack of sleep.

"Stupid hallucinations," Tanjiro cursed under his breath and turned over onto his side. The soft grass wasn't so soft anymore. It was spiky and irritating. His nose was overwhelmed by the smell of the garden. Flowers scattered the whole place, leaving him with the occasional headache.

Tanjiro groaned, and closed his eyes. But even through his eyelids, the sun pierced his pupils. He finally decided to head to the porch, under the shade. Once again, the rashes that were slowly developing on his body disappeared. "Weird," Tanjito muttered before laying down and swinging his feet back and forth.

Nezuko footsteps were heard approaching the boy. "Do you also get the feeling... the pit in your stomach you can't get rid of?" Nezuko sat beside her brother. Bringing her knees to her chest.

"Yeah... it's always there. Like a dark mass watching us... also, the weird occurrences... like the way my body grows rashes in the sun... it's all so weird... am I missing something?" Tanjiro looked up and the porch' roof. Nezuko knew Tanjiro had temporarily lost his memory... but did he remember everything?

"Do you... want to visit our home?" Nezuko spoke softly. Her voice was quiet yet audible. Tanjiro lifted his upper body with his hands and looked at Nezuko.

"Home..." Tanjiro didn't question it. He just stared at Nezuko, who already knew the answer. Her heart sank, but she smiled. A tired smile for sure, but she knew she needed to bring Tanjiro home. To ease his soul.


"Oh... are you sure? We can accommodate you two here perfectly-" Kiki was cut off by Nezuko.

"No. It's okay. This... this will be our last journey. A journey home. Thank you for being our friend, Kiki. We will always keep you in our hearts and souls." Nezuko bowed her head to Kiki. Kiki's stomach dropped, understanding the situation. She held back tears and hugged Nezuko.

"We'll meet each other another soon, okay? It will take a while, but I promise to meet you in the future. Where everything will be easier and better," Kiki smiled and watched the siblings leave. She watched until their shadows left her sight. "I promise we'll meet soon..."


So. I'm sorry for the long wait and the short chapter. I promise the next will be longer. It took a long time to get this out because I had school and I have exams soon. And I was on holiday the whole summer. Anyway, thank you all for the support and I hope to see you in the next chapter! Keep in mind, I have changed my writing style and matured a bit. So the writing may be a bit different from my younger selves writing. Okay, anyways, bye!♡


Word count: 718

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