Chapter 13: No Right

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Third Person POV

Amaris sat there, back in her human form, giving Thorin the most annoyed, bored look possible. While he stood there with his arms crossed glaring at her.

"Did I say you were allowed to fly my nephews?" He asked, passive aggressive. Amaris raised an eyebrow. Did she tell him the he was allowed to talk to her like that? Who does he think he is?

"Thorin you forget, you are not the king of me, no one is. According to you I'm not a part of this company, meaning I don't have to take orders from you. And besides, Fili and Kili wanted to fly." She said, giving Thorin an unreadable expression.
Thorin couldn't necessarily argue with that, he doesn't even know why he's angry with her. In fact, he isn't. He doesn't really know what he is at the moment. He sighed and walked to the balcony and stood beside her. He rested his arms on the railing and looked at the light of the moon.

"Well, did they enjoy themselves at least?" he asked. Amaris's eyes widened a bit, surprised that the king wasn't arguing with her anymore. For now at least.

"Of course! Their favorite part was dropping spiders and pine cones on elven nobles, and I must say, it was mine as well." She said, smiling and giggling a bit at the memory. Thorin smirked at this a bit. At least the beast likes to piss off elves.

"Thorin?" asked Amaris. Thorin grunted. "Why do you not trust me?" she asked, looking up at him with big hopeful eyes. Thorin scoffed. Did he really have to answer that?

"It's quite simple, beast. You are a night fury dragon. One of many deadly killers in Middle Earth. Dragons are evil, aggressive beings. I cannot trust that." he said, glaring down at her.

Amaris looked back down at her feet, and gave a sarcastic, sad, scoff. "I hope you realize how ignorant that statement is. I could've said I hate all dwarves and they're all evil because they attacked me. But I didn't. In fact we're all on quite well terms now. Want to know why? Because they tried, they tried to understand me. They have empathy. Where you, assume that just because I can shift into a dragon, that automatically makes me a vile, evil creature." she said.

Thorin looked down, not really knowing what to say. He didn't feel that he was in the wrong, how was he supposed to trust the deadliest being in middle earth? Especially when their specific species is notorious for no mercy, and murder. He just can't bring himself to be able to trust.

"But even so..." she said, looking up at him with a sad smile. "I will protect those in this company. They are the only companions I've had, since then." she said, looking below fondly at the dwarves singing with each other. Thorin's head shot up slightly at this. That's right, he's been meaning to ask her about that. And he is going to get an answer.

"Back at dinner," he started. "What were you talking about? The massacre." he said, giving her a stern look. Thorin did not miss the way her eyes immediately went to a look of sorrow and grief, and guilt.

Amaris thought for a moment, should she tell him? The only reason she had not to was to be petty, and she didn't really want to stoop to his level. "Exactly what it sounds like mister Oakenshield." She said, trying not to let tears escape her. "The genocide of every dragon in Middle Earth." she said, looking up at the stars, trying to hide her tears.

Thorin thought for a moment, it made sense. Her and Smaug are said to be the last dragons. "What happened?" he asked.

This made Amaris angry. She swiftly turned around and got in his face.

"What do you care? If anything I'd expect you to be leaping for joy. You have no right to ask me anything, Oakenshield." she said, and then she stormed off, shifting, and jumping off the balcony and into the night.

Time Skip

Bilbo was walking around the palace, enjoying the scenery. And enjoying the chance to be alone. He closed his eyes for a moment and sighed.

However, his relaxation was interrupted when a loud whoosh, and a forceful blast of air went by him. He stumbled back, startled. Bilbo could practically feel his heart hammer against his chest.
  He looked up and saw that Amaris had flown down, and was making her way down towards the water. He sighed. He still remembered the way she just gave up, and accepted death. Why didn't she just blast him and be done with it? Why does she stay? She could fly off right now if she wanted to, and probably kill everyone here so she wouldn't be followed. But somehow, Bilbo knew she wouldn't do such a thing. But why? So many questions were running through his mind that he just had to stop asking them. It was giving the poor hobbit a headache.

'What should I do?' Thought Bilbo, starring at the black dragon laying by the water. To him, in that moment, she looked very sad.

So, taking up what little bravery he had at the moment, he started his way down to her.

Time Skip

Amaris POV

Stupid dwarf king. Who does he think he is!? He has no right to ask me of, that day. No one does, no one who doesn't already know doesn't deserve to know.
I blew some flames on the ground below me to warm up a spot, and laid down. I rested my head on my feet and stared at the water.
It's so hard not to let tears fall. Whenever I think of that day, I can only feel guilt, and grief. I miss my friends. I miss by brothers and sisters. I miss my mom, and my dad, I want to tell them I love them. I miss my friends.

But I can't.

Because they're gone. And they're never coming back. No matter how hard I wish and dream, I'll never get to hold them again. And it hurts so bad.
Every time I try and get over it, I can only feel guilty. Why should I get over it? How is that fair to the ones I left behind to die? I deserve to feel this guilt.
I thought that maybe I could forget by making friends with these dwarves, but a certain dwarf king is making it rather difficult.

I put my head over the water and stare at my scaly reflection. I let a tear fall, and I watched as it rippled through the clear, pristine lake.

'Who would want a beast anyway?'

I'm suddenly snapped out of my thoughts by the sounds of light footsteps.


I turn around and see the hobbit walking down towards me. What was he doing here? Ince he was in front of me, I stared down at him with big eyes.

"Hello Amaris!" He said, smiling up at me. I tilt my head and make a questioning noise. "Ah yes, I was coming to see if you would like some company? You seemed rather lonely down here." he said, scratching the back of his head. My eyes softened and I smiled at him. How sweet, even after I had scared the living shit out of him, he still wants to speak to me.

I nodded and laid back down in my warm spot next to the lake. And there, Bilbo proceeded to tell me the stories of the Shire and how he couldn't stand this woman named Lobelia.

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