New Beginnings

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It was a very, very dark sky. It was the most brightest nighttime sky in Washington history. The sky was filled with stars and those stars made consultations in the sky. In the sky was a flying ship. Now this ship was fling above the great street's of Washington. Inside this ship were a handful of people who you should know. Hey Cyrus said an older man. What is Boulder said Cyrus. Are we near West Potomac park said Boulder. Yes said Cyrus. Is it possible to land the ship near there said Boulder. Yes sir said Cyrus. Why do we need to though? There's an entrance to Flashback Ally near there. Good to know said Cyrus. Are me and Penny gonna get the school supplies that we need? Yes indeed said Boulder. I can't wait said Cyrus. Just then, A girl came into the scene with Boulder and Cyrus. You say that a lot bro said the girl. Oh don't you think that your not excited as i am Penny said Cyrus. Yeah said Penny. Super exited. That's our stop said Boulder. Cyrus then went into the cockpit where his robot, Cy-Fi Jr was flying the ship. Land where you can Jr said Cyrus. Yes-Cyrus-Anderson. Jr then flew the ship down to a nearby open space. Perfect for a space to sit down and talk or have a barbeque or in this case, a space to land your ship. Everyone who was inside of the ship got out. So what do we do now Boulder said an person who was around 40ish. I'll explain it Tom said Boulder. Why i wanted to stop here is because there is a gateway to the Wizard World. How many gateway's are there said a women. There all over the world Zeta said Boulder. There near something that has to do with wizards and magic. But neither of those things are here said a little girl. Not to worry Casey said Boulder. There's a special entrance here said Boulder. One that will allow us to head strait to where we need to go. How do we find it said Penny. If i can remember correctly said Boulder. It's near a twin of trees. Should we split up said Tom. It would make this easier said Boulder. Why don't you two keep a watch on the ship along with Cole and London. Ok said Tom and Zeta as they went into the ship. Now can you three help me find the entrance said Boulder. Yes we can said Casey. The three searched the park as well as its trees. The park was big and it was the middle of the night so i think you can imagine that it was . . . difficult to see. The four searched and searched. They meet up with each other and found nothing. This is hard said Casey. Can't you use magic to help find the entrance said Penny. I don't want to risk anyone seeing me do magic in the mortal world said Boulder. But didn't you use magic a few hours ago said Cyrus. Its not that simple said Boulder. There were no mortals around. Or any mortals that didn't know about magic. But there was Adam's army said Casey. Those guys didn't know and you did magic in front of them. They were under Adam's control said Boulder. They had mind-control hats on. After our battle, they didn't know anything other then that there was a few explosion's that had happened because your and Cole's house had been destroyed. True said Penny. Hey guys said Cyrus as he was pointing to a set of trees. What was the entrance nearby said Cyrus. A pair of twin trees said Boulder. Well i noticed a pair of trees that look identical to each other said Cyrus. Could this be the entrance Professor? Lets see said Boulder as he approached the trees. He reached his hand outward for a little and found a handle. He then opened the handle to find a door that opened. There it is said Boulder. Oh my said Penny, Cyrus and Casey. They need a dimmer on that said Penny. Get use to it said Boulder. Guys said Tom as he rushed in. What's the matter said Cyrus. Its London and Cole. There alive. The five rushed back to the ship to find that the two woke up. What the hay happened said Cole. My head said London. Omg said Penny as she hugged Cole with all she could. What happened said London. Adam tried to kill you said Boulder. We were able to get away in time. How long has it been said London. About a few hours ago said Cyrus. I guess that's the positive of the negative said London. I was so worried said Penny. That was quite unpleasant said Cole. I hate to interrupt said Boulder. But we must get going now. We have some things to get done. Your right said Cyrus. Can you guys get up ok? Yeah said Cole. We should be fine said London. The gang walked out of the Cymobile. So what are we gonna do with my ship said Cyrus. Oh said Boulder. We should have a spot for it in the ship dock said Boulder. The ship dock said Cyrus. I will show it to you when we get there said Boulder as he used his wand and made the Cymobile disappear. Now come along everyone said Boulder. We have things to do. Boulder lead everyone back to the gateway and sent them through the portal. Great said Penny. More mystery. This is gonna be something said Penny as she walked through the gateway. Boulder then waited until everyone had entered and closed the gateway.

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