Unexpected Dreams

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WARINIG! The following chapter contains content that may be harmful to younger viewers. Viewer discerption is advised.

On an October night, when the night sky was cold and dark, Penny was getting ready for bed. Even though she didn't have too, she preferred to sleep at night like everyone else. It was all she ever wanted. A place to fit right in. She got in her bed and went to sleep. She then found herself not being able to sleep. Penny was changing her posture mutable times and not to mention, ruining the sheets. When she wasn't able to sleep, she went down to the girls dorm area. She sat on one of the couch's there and started to think. This is boring said Penny quietly. She then got out a book and started to read. She had a lot on her mind. Her newfound magical powers, being a descendant of an ancient queen, Adam being alive and so much more. Just then, the building shook. Penny was able to sense it but passed it off and continued reading. The building shook again but this time, it was much more noticeable. The girls in the dorms could fell it and came out. What was that said one of the girls. Could that be an earthquake said another. What's going on said London. I don't know said Penny. I thought we don't get earthquakes over here said Juliet. We don't said London. That could be class doing magic spells. In the middle of the night said Penny. Fair point said London. Just then, Professor Dimmer came into the room. May i have your attention right now said Dimmer. Please come with me to the emergency safe room at once. Dimmer, Penny, London and Juliet got out of the room as quickly as they could. They soon met up with Boulder and the guys. All of the staff members lead the students to a bunker near the school's front doors. Stay in there until its all clear said Boulder as he closed the door. What is going on out there said Penny. I think i know what said Cyrus. I think somehow, natural disasters have found there way into the wizard world. How is that even possible said Austin. I have been reading about it said Cyrus. If a gateway is open for way too long, some parts of the human world could slip through but it would take a very long time for this to build up and do anything. Were about to die and your giving us a speech on how said Dez. Will you said Cyrus. Now isn't the time said Juliet. Listen to her said Cyrus. We should listen to you Juliet said Cyrus. Juliet was a little creeped out by this and moved away from Cyrus. Just then, she froze. Oh said Juliet as she was pulled into the floor. Juliet said Cyrus. I didn't even get her email address. She didn't even have an email address said London. She had a . . . Landline? London was then pulled into the floor as well. London said the four. What is happening said Dez. I don't know said Austin. We need to stick together said Dez. Or we could get pulled in. Right said Austin. So we should stay still. Suddenly, Austin was pulled into the floor. Austin said Cyrus. We should stay here and not say anything said Penny. Agreed said Dez as he was pulled into the floor. Dez said Cyrus. Stop talking said Penny. Cyrus nodded his head but after he was done, he was pulled into the floor. Cyrus said Penny. What is happening?! Just then, the room's walls faded into a black void with Cyrus, London, Austin, Dez and London hanged by there necks. What the said Penny. Hahaha went a deep voice. Who's that said Penny. You know who went the voice again. Who are you and what have you done with them said Penny. Who said the voice. The teens. Yes the teens said Penny. Just then, the voice reviled itself. I see said the voice. Adam said Penny. You let them go right now. I don't think so said Adam. What do you want with me and my family said Penny. You see said Adam. I can't let you go so easily. Then why do you want my family said Penny. I wouldn't just jump to conclusions so fast young lady said Adam. Or. Or what said Penny. There fate said Adam. What about there fate said Penny. There fate, the same one that i got. Why are you doing this to me said Penny. What on earth did i ever do to you? I would tell to to remember said Adam. But you can't. You liked those HUMANS more then your own kind. I may know some of the story said Penny. But not all of it. I would like to tell you said Adam. but i would rather wait to tell you when me and my army are here. What army said Penny. What are you planning? You will find out said Adam. When there fate isn't in a dream. Adam then disappeared as Penny woke up in a puddle of sweat. London heard her and came over. What happened said London. It was just a dream said Penny. What was a dream said London. You and Cyrus and his friends were sucked into the floor and were hung by your necks said Penny. And Adam was there and he said that this would happen here as tears formed out of Penny's eyes. Now now Penny said London. I don't think this was a dream. How so said Penny. It was a vision said London. We need to head to Boulder and tell him about this. Ok said Penny. But first let me get changed. Me two said London. The girls along with Juliet went into Boulder's office as soon as they could. Boulder said the girls. What is it said Boulder. I think i had another message from Adam said Penny. Are you sure said Boulder. Yes i am said Penny. I felt like i was there and it was in real time. What was this dream about said Boulder. Adam hung Cyrus, London, Austin, Dez and Juliet and we had a conversation. He said that this would happen not only in my dreams but in the real world as well. Interesting said Boulder. Adam would do something like that. So what do we do said London. Can we be sure that this was even a dream? Your not talking about a vision are you said Boulder. I am said London. Did it fell like you could walk wherever you want said Boulder. Yes sir said Penny. Did this start off with you felling like it was real said Boulder. Yes sir said Penny. This could be a vision said Boulder. So what do we do said Juliet. I'm not sure said Boulder. Are you in a state to attend class? I fell fine physically said Penny. Then you should be good for that said Boulder. Just try not to take any naps for now. Thank you professor said Penny as the girls left the room.  

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