The City Of Wizards

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As everyone was walking through the gateway's brightness, they reached the other side. Is that the end of the brightness said Penny as she was rubbing her eyes as she tried to adjust. That's all of the brightness you will have to deal with said Boulder. Thank you said Cyrus. Oh my hay said Casey. Do you see that? Everyone look at what Casey was pointing to and they were amazed. What is that said London. The City Of Wizards said Boulder. Its beautiful said Cyrus. Its so futuristic said Tom. So magical said Zeta. Well of course said Penny. Oh said Boulder. We better get going now. Penny, Cyrus and London. We must be heading to Flashback Ally. I thought that just Penny and Cyrus were wizards said London. I made a few changes said Boulder. Thank you grandpa said London as she cached up to them. What about us said Casey and Cole. We can't accept magical creatures said Boulder. That's fair said Cole as he turned back into a human. No more long hair said Cole. I love it. No fair said Casey. Its ok Casey said Zeta. Your the only mermaid here said Tom. You have something that everyone here doesn't said Zeta. Fine said Casey. Boulder then flicked his wand and he made a piece of paper appear. Because your house got blown up, I figured you would want to look at the houses we have here said Boulder. Why thank you Boulder said Tom. No worries said Boulder. Bye guys said Penny, Cyrus and London. We will be back soon said Boulder as he used his wand and they disappeared. 

Just then, Boulder, Penny, Cyrus and London appeared in a very busy ally. Woah said Penny. That was crazy. We were just at the gateway and now were here. I'm not gonna get use to that said Cyrus. Can you warn me before you do that said London as she was shaking a little bit. Don't worry said Boulder. No more teleportation for a while. Where are we said Penny. Flashback Ally said Boulder. This is Flashback Ally said Cyrus. Yes indeed said Boulder. This is a nice place said London. Boulder then handed the three a checklist. What is this for said Penny. That is the school supplies you will be needed for this year said Boulder. But how are we gonna get all of this said Cyrus. We don't have any money. I don't think so said Boulder. There's the Wizard National Bank. Did you leave some money for us said London. You will see said Boulder as the four of them went into WNB. They went up to the front desk. Excuse me said Boulder. Who is that said Penny. Trolls whispered Boulder. They work at the bank, Irs and collect your taxes. Don't be late with your taxes. It won't end well. The troll moved his head a little and looked at the four. Ms. and Mr. Anderson as well as Ms. Gravely would like to make a deposit said Boulder. The troll looked at the Andersons and London with a mean glare in his eyes. AnD hOw MuCh WoUlD yOu LiKe To TaKe OuT oF yOuR vAlIt said the troll. About 30% said Boulder. VeRy WeLl said the troll. A little while later, Penny, Cyrus and London had wallets with a good amount of money in them. Say Boulder said Penny. How did me and Cyrus have money saved up? When Adam came here, He put a lot of money in his valet. When a wizard leaves, There money goes to there relatives. Because you were related to Adam, The money became yours and because your in the Andersons family, That money also became Cyrus's money as well said Boulder. Interesting said Penny. So now we need to get the supplies said Cyrus. Right you are said Boulder. It says here that a first year must pick out a messenger pet said Cyrus. This can be a bat, Owl or eagle. Over there is the messenger shop said Boulder. We can pick out a pet said London. Yes you can said Boulder. I'll stay out here till you get back. The three went in while Boulder stood outside. A little while later, The three came out with there pet. There were so many cute pets there said London. I can bet said Boulder. What did you all get? I got a Owl said Penny. I got a bat said London. I asked for an eagle said Cyrus. Very good said Boulder. Now we should get going. Agreed said Everyone. 

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