Chapter 7: The Plan Revealed

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The Phantom's confession shocked Aveline. So much so, that she did not believe his statement.

"It was Madam Durand whom I first heard play that piece," she explained. "It stirred my heart. I was already playing piano, at that point, but after that concert, I knew I wanted feel that way again."

She hesitated. He still sat silently beside her, staring at the vacant keys.

"I believe the sheet music indicated that a Mr. Octave Genereux was the composer."

The Phantom chuckled. "O.G."

"I beg your pardon?"

He acknowledged her, then, looking through his mask into her questioning eyes.

"'O.G.' was an oft used nickname of mine. 'Opera Ghost' is what it stands for. I couldn't very well use that as an alias for my music, so I came up with 'Octave Genereux'."

Aveline's shocked expression did not seem to faze the man beside her.

"You're Octave Genereux? You wrote all of that music?"

"I am and I did."


She was silenced when he rose from the piano bench in one graceful movement.

"I was devastated when your mother fled with the Vicomte. I mourned my loss through music. Your mother was not a dancer, so she probably did not know Madam Durand. Francine played for all of the ballet rehearsals, but she was meant for so much more."

He paced the mirrored room, occasionally locking eye contact with the young girl who still sat at the lone instrument.

"After I destroyed the Opera, she was forced to teach the bourgeoisie children of the city."

Aveline winced, thinking of her own limited future.

"I could not let her talent go to waste, so I brought her my songs. She started playing in small concerts, at first, slowly gaining her footing in a difficult trade. Years later, her persistence and my brilliance led her to stardom."

She wanted to scoff at his lack of humility, but she was able to reign in the mocking gesture. He had stopped at one of the mirrors, now, and he stared past his reflected self.

"Francine Durand played my music for hundreds of thousands of Europeans. I was satisfied to let her be in the spotlight...with the understanding that she would owe me a very large favor."

He turned to look at Aveline and approached her slowly.

"When she gave me word that she had been contacted by the daughter of the Vicomte de Chagny, I conducted my plan through her."

Aveline's heart began to pound and her throat constricted.

"Your plan?" she was able to squeak out.

The Phantom now stood over her, his expressionless mask capturing her complete attention.

"She accepted your request at my command. I instructed her to set up your tutorial, without actually expecting you to attend."

"My parents will notice my absence, and they will come for me!"

His gloved hand shot out and grabbed her chin forcefully.

"They will have no reason to worry, as you will be writing them of your experiences with Madam Durand."

"And when they write back? How will you intercept their letters?"

His eyes narrowed in the gaping holes of the mask.

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