Chapter 14: Give and Take

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Ma fille précieuse,

I cannot believe I have been without my darling daughter for over a month! I am most pleased that you are enjoying the company and instruction of Madame Durand. Although I am happy that you are pursuing your dream, I miss you terribly.

Your father and I are planning to spend the upcoming summer months in Cadiz. I expect that Madame will let you break from Paris in order to spend time with us there. At least a month. Just think of it! The ocean, the will have plenty of time to perfect your Spanish. I daresay, your father will not rent an estate without a most exquisite piano, so you will be able to practice your craft in the absence of your tutor.

Of course, your father misses you every second of the day, as well. He hardly knows what to do with himself. He asks me to write that you take care in that beautiful, dangerous city. We worry about you. I am sure that Madame Durand is a diligent chaperone, and that she will not let any harm befall you. I ask that you remain close to her and the protection she provides.

Please write to me, again, soon!

Prends bien soin de toi, mon petit cœur,

Ta mére

Dear Mama,

I feel like I improve daily! Madame Durand is a musical genius. She thinks that I am talented enough to, one day, be a world-renowned composer! Although she is strict, her instruction has...changed. I am less her student and more her – well, I can't think of a term to describe it, but it's a bit like we are colleagues. We are working in tandem to create music that I never thought I had within me. It's strange. Strange and wonderful. Unexpected.

Cadiz for the summer? That will be exciting! I assume Father has decided to turn a business arrangement into an extended vacation. That is very sweet of him. I hope, one day, that I can find someone who will pamper me in the way that Father treats you.

I am not sure I can be away for a full month. But I will discuss the matter with the Madame.

Indeed, she has been taking good care of me. Shortly after I wrote you last, I twisted my ankle. A stupid accident. Madame helped me hobble around, made sure that I rested my injured foot, and nursed me back to health. I am pleased to relate that I am walking unimpeded, fully healed.

Because of my injury, I have not been out much. I am very much hoping that she will take me to a party, or a performance, or a dance, or a dinner...anything, just to get outside! If Paris is showing signs of Spring, I have yet to see it. I have assured her that I will be on my absolute best behavior.

Please be praying for me, that I will have strength and patience to see this through.

Tout mon amour,


Erik finished looking over Aveline's response and looked into her waiting eyes.

"You are hardly subtle," he glowered.

"I was hardly trying to be," she answered, matter of factly. "Please? I am healed! I can walk! Take me to the surface, and you know that I will come back down with you."

Erik didn't respond. Aveline could almost see the cogs and gears turning inside his mind. He was contemplating the idea of taking her up, and he needed further encouragement.

"Please, Erik," she beseeched. "I would be with you the entire time. I will stay by your side." He looked doubtful, so she took a breath and tried a different tactic. "If you trusted me, and if you could take me anywhere in Paris, where would we go?"

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