Chapter 18: Down Once More

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Erik wore the clothing Aveline had become accustomed to seeing. The black hooded cloak with the sleeves removed and the jagged, frayed edges. The black shirt underneath, and the black belt that cinched both garments at his waist. Black gloves and black baggy slacks that were tucked into his black boots. Head to toe darkness. No wonder she hadn't seen him hiding in the recesses of her room.

Only his mask was different than usual, as he wore the same one from earlier that night, with his mouth and chin exposed.

"Did you set all this up?" she asked him, plainly. "Is this another test?"

He walked past her wordlessly to close and lock her door. After doing so, he returned to stand opposite her.

"I did no such thing," he said in a hushed voice. "If I had known this would be the end to our night, I would never have let you leave my home. Our home," he added, as an afterthought.

Aveline shook her head. She removed her gloves and mask, placing them on a table near her. She sat down at the small vanity in the room and set to work removing her curls from their restraints. Erik watched her silently, then cleared his throat before speaking.

"I'm sorry that our night together was ruined."

She did not respond. It felt wrong to admit that Francine inviting her parents to the masquerade ruined her evening. It didn't, not completely. It ruined his, she acknowledged.

"I'm sorry that we only shared two dances, and that both times you were distracted or upset," she countered. "And, while dancing with my father, I was so preoccupied, watching for you, watching Francine speak to my mother, that I wasn't able to fully enjoy myself, either."

She frowned. Apparently, her night was rather ruined, after all. Aveline leaned back in the chair, now that her hair hung loose around her upper body. Erik, she could see in the mirror, chose to sit on her unmade bed, facing the window. He leaned his elbows on his knees and stared straight ahead.

"You heard everything I said to Madam Durand," Aveline spoke up. "Was anything I said displeasing...or wrong?"

"No, it was-" he stopped himself from finishing. "I'm glad you are willing to come back to me."

"Once I do, will you ever let me come up, again?"

"Of course." He looked over at her, then, smiling. "You must improve your Spanish in Cadiz this summer, before you start your first tour. We can't have you spouting out anything embarrassing."

She muffled her laughter as best as she could, turning in her chair to see the Phantom's smirk of self-satisfaction. When she calmed down, they both sat and enjoyed the contented silence between the two of them. Erik stood and spoke first.

"I'll leave you, now. You must rest."

Aveline stood, as well, moving to meet him as he walked toward the door. He stopped before unlocking it, his hand still outstretched. He clenched it and held it to his mouth; he turned back to his pupil and held both of her hands.

"I will see you tomorrow night, Aveline."

She nodded. "Good night, Erik."

He bent down, and she knew what was coming, but she was unsure what to do. He kissed her cheek quickly, hesitantly. She felt her face heat up, but at the same moment he dropped her hands and left the room. He walked into the dark hallway, disappearing into the shadows, his footsteps quieter than a cat's. She shut the door and locked herself in, hoping to sleep deeply.

The morning came too swiftly, and Aveline found the light that flooded her room to be blinding. She had forgotten to draw the thicker curtains, and the gauzy white material that presently covered the window did nothing to block the sun. Her eyes squinted and blinked rapidly, as she tried to pull the rather unfortunate-looking puce curtains towards the center. The light in the room turned a sickly pink, as the sun pushed through the curtains, but it was not quite as garish as before.

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