Chapter 4

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I woke up this morning in a deep depression. My mom was dead. She was dead, dead, DEAD. She wouldn't be there for any of my major life experiences, like having children, getting married, and yadayadayada. I curled up in a ball, on the bed. I wasn't use to this kind of living, where you have maids, servants and all that other jazz.

Today was Saturday which meant no school and also there's no school all this week cause of Spring Break. Lots of people were either going out of state or going to parties everyday of this week. But me? I don't have any plans guess I'll be staying in my room in a strangers mansion. YAAY so much fun!

There was a knock at the door, I force myself up on my elbows then I yelled, "Come in!" The door open and in came Loupe. She gave me a smile, and I gave her weak smile back. "Mrs. Sykes will like you to join breakfast with her and her son."

I shook my head and said, "No I'm not very hungry." Loupe smile grew bigger she then replied, "It's wasn't a question it was a command." Then she left. I sighed heavily and went into the bathroom that was in my room. The bathroom was unnecessary big. I quickly brushed my teeth and washed my face. I wasn't going to get all dolled for breakfast, I wasn't trying to impress anybody.

I stepped outside in the hallway and realize I had no idea where I was suppose to go. I remember from yesterday that I took some stairs. I walked down the long hallway until I reached the stairs. I went downstairs when I got to the bottom I realize I didn't know where I was going, once again. I start walking down many various hallways till I found the kitchen.

When I entered the kitchen everything was quiet. I looked around the kitchen to see that neither Michelle or Nathan was there. The butler Jerry gave me a smile and gestured me to follow him. I followed him into what seem to be the dining room. When I entered the room Nathan was giving me a death glare, (man if looks can kill) while Michelle told me to have seat by her. I awkwardly sat by her keeping my eyes on my hands.

"How did you sleep dear?" She asked.

"Fine." I replied.

"I'm happy to hear that. I know your life isn't at the best right now but I'll try to help sweetie." I forced a smile on my face then murmured a "thank you."

Jerry soon came in with pancakes, while Nathan and Michelle dug in I poked my food with my fork. "Your not hungry Mariah?" Michelle asked, with concern in her voice, I shook my head a no.

"Ok, well I'll catch up with you guys later, I have to go to work." Michelle got up and gave Nathan a peck on the cheek then left.

"Ungrateful." Nathan said. I locked my eyes with him. What the did he say to me? What the hell was his problem? I didn't do anything!

"Excuse me?" I asked with so much confidence.

"My mom is breaking her back to make things comfortable for you, and you can't look her in the eye when you talk.It's annoying the shit out me." I felt myself to begin to shake, I was getting angry.

"Who the hell are you? You don't even know me! So don't judge me!"

"I'm Nathan James Sykes, I know enough about you to know your ungrateful. And I do what I want when I want." After that he stormed out the dining room leavening me alone.

"Miss Horan, here's a map of the house, so you won't get lost. Judging by what just happen you won't be getting help from Nathan." Jerry said while handing me that map.


I was sitting in Merit Canteen waiting for Jessinia and Leslie. I was getting really annoyed, they were 20 MINUTES LATE. I expect that behavior from Jessinia but not Leslie, she always on time. It must be Jessinia fault for why Leslie was late. I start drumming my fingers on the tables annoyingly.

Where the fuck could they be?

10 minutes later.....

"Sorry we're late, Jessinia had a fashion emergency." Leslie said, while her and Jessinia took a seat across from me.

"About damn time, I was going to get ready to leave!" I said to them. I heard them murmured a 'sorry.' The waiter came by and asked us what we wanted, we all order a bacon cheeseburger. There bacon cheeseburger are the best

"So spill the beans about Nathan!" Jessinia said in a sing-song voice.

"He's a jerk." I replied bluntly.

"We already know that, he's the schools bad boy duh." Leslie said. I couldn't help but chuckle at Leslie's bluntness. I looked at Jessinia to see her texting on her phone, her face changed from a smiled to complete shock.

"Erm, um what's wrong Jessie?" I asked confusedly.

"OH MY STARS NATHAN GOT ARRESTED AGAIN." Jessie shrieked, it caused many stares from people around us. Leslie looked at her with her mouth open. I on the other hand, just roll my eyes. That's all people talk about is Nathan. It's getting old and annoying, this will be his 4th arrest. I wonder what his mom is thinking.

"What for this time?" I asked lazily.

"For breaking and entering." Jessinia showed me a status from Facebook, that his buddy Harry posted. It read, 'My bud Nathan just got arrested for breaking, and entering. Yo free him! Lol.'

"So you were stalking Harry on Facebook again?" I asked to Jessinia.

"I wasn't stalking him, I was just reading his news feed, and scrolling through his picture." Jessinia replied in low voice.

Here's a little input on Harry Styles, he's 17 years old with brown hair with green eyes. Jessinia has a huge crush on him. She is his little stalker. He was also part of Nathan 'Bad Boy Gang'. There's actually 3 of them, the third musketeer is Michael Ortiz.

Michael has black hair that falls lightly around his blue eyes. He's just as bad as Nathan, he's been arrested 4 while Harry only been in jail 2.

Yeah they are Rosewood High 3 bad boys.


I came "home" around 11:00 pm. After me, Leslie, and Jessinia ate we went to the mall then went to park. It felt good to spend time with them. When I'm with them it like us against the world. With them all them depress thoughts are cleared from mind.

"Where the hell have you been?" I jumped in surprise, I turned my head to see a really angry Nathan.

"In my skin." I said after I calmed myself down. Nathan seem to get more angry, his were turning red, and his hands were balled up in a fist.

"Why do you care anyway?" I asked, crossing my arms across my chest.

"I don't care, my mom is the one who cares." He replied. I rolled my eyes and asked, "What are you doing here?"

"Um I live here duh."

"No I meant, I thought you were arrested."

"No they freed me." He said.

"Oh, why am I not surprised?" I mumbled to myself.


Should I do a Nathan, Jessinia, and Leslie Pov? Comment a yes or no.



You Found Me In My Darkest Hour (Nathan Sykes FanFic) (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now