Chapter 24

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"I don't want easy, I want crazy you want me, you with me baby lets be crazy." - I Want Crazy, Hunter Hayes

Jessinia POV

I reached over and rub the other side of the bed to find it was empty. Groaning annoyingly I dragged myself off the bed taking the covers with me. I walked inside the bathroom and stepped in front of the mirror to examine myself. My eyes were puffy and red just like my nose while my hair looked like a birds nest. I raked my fingers through my hair a couple of time before before brushing my teeth.

I let out a shriek when I saw Harry face emerge in the mirror. I spun around to see him with a smirk on his face while covering his ears. I rolled my eyes and snapped at him, "What the hell! That was so not cool." He laughed lightly and pecked me on the cheek making me blush.

I left out the bathroom and went over to my closet on in search of something to wear. I grabbed a pair of red shorts and a white tank. Moving back in the bathroom I placed the clothes on the counter and was about to strip but I notice Harry's presence.

"Hey, why'd you stop." Harry whined puckering out his lip. I pushed him out the bathroom and shut the door in the face. I could hear the faint sounds of his pleading voice behind the door but I ignored it.

After showering I got dress and tied my hair in a messy bun on the top of my head. I walked out the bathroom to see Harry perched on my bed.

"You know we have school, right?" I smacked my forehead with the palm of my hand and groaned in annoyance. "Shit! I forget." I muttered under my breath. I heard Harry chuckle and a jingle. I looked to see Harry shaking his keys in front of me.

Giving me a small smile he walked out the bedroom and went down the stairs with me right behind him. We both left outside and got inside his car. I put my seatbelt on and sunk in my seat as the memories of yesterday flooded my thoughts.

I didn't want to go school today because I know Jay will be there. Also there was no way in the world I was emotionally or physically ready to face him. Seeing him that angry scared me shitless.

"Do you um wanna tell me what happen yeaterday?" Harry asked breaking me away from my thoughts. My throat went dry as those thoughts once again flooded my thoughts.

"Jay broke up with me, he knew that we kissed." I mumbled, looking out the car window. I could fill Harry tense up besides me.

"That was my fault." My head snapped towards Harry as I stared at him confused.

"I kind of bragged about it and he happen to be there." I remain quiet as I process what he just said. My head was spinning and my heart was beating a mile a minute.

"Are you mad?" Harry asked.

Was I mad?

I closed my eyes tightly and took sharp intakes of breath. I let the question ponder in my head as I try to pry out an answer. When I open my eyes I saw that we were parked in the school parking lot. I turned my head to see Harry eyes peering into mines.

"No I'm not mad. Thank you, for everything." I said leaning in and giving him a small peck on the lips. I left out the car and went inside the school smiling to myself.

I decided to talk to Leslie who was leaning against her locker talking to Michael. "Hey." I said to her giving her a hug which she returned.

"How are you feeling?" I asked looking down at her growing bump.

"Fine, but the morning sickness is killing me." Leslie groaned rubbing her stomach making me laugh.

"Have you seen Jay lately?" Leslie asked cautiously. I scrunched my eyebrows together, "Why?"

You Found Me In My Darkest Hour (Nathan Sykes FanFic) (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now