Chapter 10

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Mariah POV

I was leaning against Nathan's car waiting for him to take me to school. Usually I have Jessinia take me to school but I haven't been in contact with her for days. Which is weird because we talk every single day.

10 minutes later........

I watched Nathan close the door of the house and casually walk over to the car. I place my hands on my hips and asked, "What took you so long?" He gave me a smirk and then replied, "It takes awhile to look this good." I had to admit he did look good with his cargos, and black batman shirt. Then his hair swept across his forever which add a dash of sexiness.

"Are you done checking me out?" Nathan said with his million dollar smirk on. I blinked my eyes to get out of my daze and gave him a smug look which made him chuckle.

"Can we just go to school?" I asked annoyed.

The drive to school was a comfortable silence, most of the ride I just listen to music on my iPod while Nathan just drove. I was so into my music that I didn't realize we were into the school parking lot and Nathan wasn't in the car no more. I got out of the car and notice Jessinia and Leslie on the school steps imimeatily. I rushed over to them and tackle them which cause all of us to roll down the steps. We begin to erupt in laughter as we begin to pick ourselves up.

"Such a nice way to say hello." Jessinia said.

"Oh shut up," I said rolling my eyes, "What's up?"

"Well I'm going bowling with Jaythan tonight." Jessinia said trying to compress her happiness. But she can't fool me.

"Ooo, I want details after." She nodded then we all headed inside the school. Since history was first period we headed towards Mr. Johnson class.

"Jessie!" We stop in our tracks and wiped our heads around to see who was calling Jessinia. It was Jaythan, I saw from the corner of my Jessinia looking at floor trying to hide her blush. She was so hopeless sometimes.

"Do you mind if I walk with you guys?" Me and Leslie looked at Jessinia waiting for her to answer his question.

"No, I wouldn't mind." He gave her a smile then we all continue our way to history. When we arrived in history, the class was already filled with students laughing and talking. Jessinia, Leslie, Jaythan, and I took seats in the very back.

I looked around the class in search of Mr. Johnson but couldn't find him, he must be late as always. I slouch in my chair and thought to myself that this was going to be a long boring day.


Jessinia POV

I flopped down on my bed, in frustration. I couldn't find anything to wear for tonight. I looked at the black and white sundresses that laid across my bed then looked at the red skinny jeans and the black shirt that went with it. I bit my lip thinking hard. I decided on the skinny jeans and the black, because since I'm going bowling I don't want my dress to rise up when I roll the ball, now that wouldn't be classy.

After getting dress, I did my make up. Putting on some black eye liner and dark red lip stick. I wasn't going to go over board with the make up, just something simple.

"Jessinia! Jaythan is here!" My mom called. I looked at myself one more time in the mirror then headed downstairs. When I got to the bottom of the stairs, Jaythan was gazing at me. He looked kind of sexy he had on some white chucks with a plain white shirt and nice fitted jeans.

"You look very lovely." There goes that dark red cherry color back on my face. Why must he always make me blush? "You don't look bad yourself." I replied. He sent me a smirk and entwined his hand into mine.


We headed over to the counter in the bowling alley and order our bowling shoes.

"What sizes?" A girl around my age asked behind the counter.

"Size 5, and 9." Jay answered. I gave him a look, how did he know my shoe size? The girl handed us our shoe! I said a thank you and made my way to go blow with Jay right behind me.

"Lady first." Jay said

"Naw you can go first." . He raised a questionably eyebrow at me then went first. I watched as he roll the bowling and hit a strike so effortlessly. I stood there with shock expression on my face. Usually people do stretches and do a weird position to bowl but no, Jay didn't, he just cocked his arm back and rolled.

"Your turn."

I grabbed a pink bowling ball and looked at it. You ask why? I don't know. I took a deep breath then ran up a little then rolled the ball. I watched as the ball turn to and went into the gutter. I face palmed myself then went for another try but failed a miserably. I heard Jay chuckle behind me, and asked if I needed help but I decline his request. After three or four tries of epic fails, I picked up another ball and was about to roll but I felt arms go around my arms then their hands clasp around mine.

"You can't rush it you have to take your time." Jay whisper in my ear. I watched as his hands position my arms. I felt myself melt under his touch.

"Now run, then bend your knees a little and roll the ball." I did as I was instructed, when I rolled the ball I closed my eyes tightly and prayed that at least I hit one pin. When I heard the bowling ball hit the pins, I opened my eyes slowly and sawed that I made a strike. I squealed in delight then jump into Jay's arms.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!' I squealed. He chuckle which sent vibrations in my neck. I pulled a little then peered into his sparkling gray eyes. He lend forward and I lend down. Our lips was capture in a kiss. It wasn't no where near rough it was nice and gentle. His lips felt like cotton candy against mine, speaking of cotton candy he taste like cotton candy. He was the one to pull away, he smiled up at me and asked if I was ready to go, I nodded my head a yes.

Harry POV

I really missed Jessinia company, she always made smiled, also she kept me from smoking. I didn't want her company I needed her company. I will never forget the touch of her lips against mine, that night at Michael party. I decided to go to her house and see if she would like to go for a midnight stroll.

I knocked at Jessinia door, waiting patiently for her to answer but she didn't instead her mother did. I gave her mom a smile.

"Oh hey Harry."

"Hi Mrs, Santiago, is Jessinia here?' I asked politely.

"No sweetie, she left with her friend Jaythan." I gritted my teeth at the sound of his name. That bastard, every time I see his face it takes everything for me not to punch him in his face.

I gave Mrs. Santiago a smiled and a said a goodbye before heading down her porch. I had to admit I like her, the way she smiles make me smile, when she laugh I swear to god it's the most sexiest thing I ever heard.

I decided to walk to the park and clear my mind. I took a seat at a bench and looked up at the dark night sky that was filled with stars and a full moon. This have to be a good night to get high. I pulled out the already rolled up blunt and lit up. Tonight I was going to be on Cloud Nine.


I think I have a thing for a Phillip Phillips........ 😱😍




Follow me on insta @mariah_sykes.

-Mariah Sykes

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