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The Last Part of the book.

Make sure to read the author notes at the end.

"If I could change the world overnight there'd be no such thing as goodbye. You'll be standing right where you were and we'd get the chance we deserve try to deny it as much as you want but, in time our feelings will show cause sooner or later, we'll wonder why we gave up the truth is everyone knows." - Almost is Never Enough by Nathan Sykes & Ariana Grande.


Leslie POV

"Are you hungry?" Michael asked nudging his head to a hot dog food truck. I nodded eagerly tugging his hand to where the truck sat. We stood behind the line of people waiting patiently for our turn.

When it was or turn I gave warm smile to the guy that was standing in the truck.

"Can I have um... cheese fried with a Pepsi soda on the side please, thank you." I asked politely. The guy muttered an ok before turning into the back. "You not getting anything?" I turned to face Michael and raised an eyebrow..

"I'm not hungry." He stated shrugging his shoulders. I nodded and turned back around. The guy returned back with the food and handed it to me. I was about to pay but Michael stopped me implying that he'll pay for it. I awe at the moment and pecked him on the cheek.

I said a 'thank you' to the guy before following Michael to a small bench that was about 15 feet from the Ferris wheel. We took a seat where he was opposite of me on the bench.

"Can we go on the Ferris wheel after this?" I asked starting to put fries in my mouth.

"Of course, we can do anything you like." I smiled at him and continued to eat my fries.

When I was down I threw the trash in the garbage and grasped Michaels hand as I grasped his hand and quickly pulled him towards the Ferris wheel. "Woooah chill, the Ferris wheel is not going to disappear off the face of earth." Michael teased as he stumbled behind me.

"You don't know that." I retorted back, he just chuckled in a response.

When we reached the line of the Ferris wheel it was empty which made me smile. Michael and I flashed our carnival bracelet to the guy and strolled inside. I looked around at the colors of the seats of the Ferris wheel, "Lets ride the pink one!" I squealed pointing at the pink Ferris wheel seat.

"Yuck, pink is for girls." Michael groaned throwing his head back. I ignored his comment and pulled him over towards it. We took our seats and nodded to the guy to show we were ready. As the ride slowly started to move I cuddled into Michael's side. He threw his arm over shoulder and placed his chin on my head.

We stayed quiet as we watched the people below us move on with their business. I couldn't help but smile as I thought about how perfect this moment was. It was just me and my boyfriend and that's all that matters at this moment. "You know I love you?" I heard Michael mumbled.

"Yes, do you know I love you?" I repeated back to Michael.

"Of course, who can't love this? I'm beautiful." I laughed and rolled my eyes.

I sighed when the ride came to a stop. Michael attached his hand to mine and walked out the Ferris wheel with me. "You ready to go home its getting pretty late?" I looked up at the sky to see the sun has already set and street lights were starting to come on.

"Yeah." I replied. We left the carnival starting little conversations but I was feeling a little tired so we didn't say much.  When we reached the car Michael politely opened the door which I thanked him for. I climbed inside and put my seatbelt on and he did the same. The engine came alive when Michael started the car and drove onto the road.

You Found Me In My Darkest Hour (Nathan Sykes FanFic) (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now