Chapter 28

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You guys I have an ending for my book! There's maybe 5-10 more chapters until the epilogue. A few of you may like it and a few might be pissed.

All I got to say is expect the unexpected.

"I need your love, I need your time, when everything's wrong you make it right. I feel so high, I come alive. I need to be free with you tonight, I need your live." - I need your love by Calvin Harris & Ellie Goulding.


Leslie POV

I shoved the last piece of donut in my mouth and smiled. Today I was in a great mood and a little on the nervous side. Today Michael and I are going to the doctors to see what's the sex of the baby.

I wanted a girl while he wanted a boy, I know how cliché? A girl will be perfect due to the simple fact they were easier and less complicated. Now the boy on the other hand have funny quirks and were quite mysterious.

I smiled to myself as I ran over my thoughts. "Are you ready babe?" I snapped out my thoughts to see Michael standing in the doorframe of the kitchen.

Giving him a big smile and a nod I stood up taking his hand in mine. We left hand in hand out the house. He released my hand to open the car door for me also to help me in.

"I'm pregnant, not helpless." I stated.

"Exactly." He responded with a smirk. He got in and started the car up pull onto the road.

"Are you nervous?" Michael asked never removing his eyes from the road.

"A little."

"There's no reason to be nervous, it'll be fun." He replied taking his hand in mine using his thumb to run circles. I smiled at his sweetness and relaxed into the seat.

"But I believe that's a boy your carrying by the way you walk."

"How can you tell by the walk?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows.

"Your walking exactly like my mom when she was carrying Danny." I rolled my eyes and laughed, "Your crazy."

"But you wouldn't want me any other way." He looked at me for split second to flash me a smile before turning back to face the road. I smiled back as we sat there in nice comfortable silence.

"We're here." He announced removing the key from the ignition. I nervously nodded and stepped out the car.

"Why didn't you let me open the door for you?" He whined. I rolled my eyes and went inside the building that had the words 'MEDICAL CENTER' carved into it. Michael opened the door allowing me step in.

We walked side by side down the hall to were an elevator sat. I pressed the button and waited for the doors to open.

We both step inside after the doors open. I leaned against the wall and watched as the elevator door slowly closed. We stood there patiently until the door slid open.

We walked out and walked down the hall to a door that read 'Dr. Williams Gynecologist.' Michael opened the door and we both stepped inside a waiting room.

Taking a seat in a corner Michael gave me a small smile while I went to the front desk and signed a few papers and answered a few question. After I finished I gave the front desk lady a smile before joining Michael.

"I want a girl." I announced facing Michael.

"I want a boy." He shot back with a grin.

"I guess we'll find out what's in this tummy of mines." I looked down at my growing bump and rubbed it.

Half an hour passed until a nurse appeared telling us it was our turn to go in. Sighing heavily we stood and up and followed behind the nurse. I nervously bit my lip as we enter a room that had a hospital bed thingy with counters that sat different doctorly objects (A/N I don't know how to describe one these rooms I tried my best.)

"Just lay down right there," She pointed to the bed, "And Doctor Williams will be right here to assist you." I politely said a thank you and did what she said. She smiled at before leaving the room.

Michael took seat by the bed and gave me a smile. A tall African American women walked in with a smile on her face. "Hi Leslie I'm Doctor Williams, how are you doing today?"

"Hi, I'm doing fine." She stepped closer to me to shake my hand, which I allowed.

"Are you nervous?" She asked me.

"Kind of." I replied nervously.

"There's no need to be nervous, it'll be fun." I giggled since that's the exact same thing Michael said earlier.

"Just relax and lay back." Dr. Williams said. I obliged taking nervous breaths. Dr. Williams put gloves and spoke, "So you need to pull up your shirt, so I can apply the ultra sound gel on your stomach." I pulled my shirt up to the line of my bra and placed my hands my behind my head.

She squirted the gel onto my stomach before slowly and softly rubbing it in. My breath hitched as I was feeling a tiny bit uncomfortable. Michael grasped my hand using his thumb to rub across my knuckles.

"Now I'm going to place the transducer on your stomach so I can send ultrasound waves through you. The sounds waves will go back through the transducer, so you can see the baby on the monitor." I nodded with a small smile on my face.

Michael, the doctor and I turned to face the monitor. We watched intently as the monitor read 'Wait Please.'

When the ultrasound came upon the monitor Michael and I gasped. The sight in front of me made my eyes go big and my jaw drop. On the monitor were two small babies curled into a ball back to back.

"It's looks like your having twins." Dr. Williams squealed making me laugh. I smiled at the monitor as I heard Michael besides me saw a low wow.

A few minutes passed before the doctor spoke, "Are ready to know what's the sexes are?" I nodded eagerly as I squeezed Michael hand.

"Ok, your having a boy and a girl!" The doctor spoke beaming at us with a huge smile.


I have the biggest smile on my face as I slouch in the passenger seat of Michaels car. I couldn't believe twins. My smile grew bigger as the images of m- our two little children running around danced in my head.

My smiles faded little when I realized I haven't even thought of a names. I turned my head to face Michael who was currently casually driving down an unfamiliar road.

"Have you thought of any names for the babies?"

"No, it's not to early?"

"Um I don't know." He nodded never leaving his eyes from the road.

"Where are we going?" I asked curiously looking out the window.

"Shopping for the babies."

"This early?"

"Yes, I thought this will be a great time for us to spend time together." I stared at him and pinched his cheek.

"I guess the bad boy does have a soft side." I teased at him causing him to smile.

"Only for you."


Update early! *Takes Bow*

Sooooo my little sloth I wanted to tell you guess that 'We Own The Night' will have it first radio play tomorrow in America at 6:30 Am, so stay tuned.

Also a huge massive HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the one and only TOM PARKER. He is 25 as of today. :)

Oh thank you to all of you guys for support, I will like guys to comment more so I can see what I'm doing wrong and I'm doing right.

Thank you once again,




- Mariah The Wanted xX

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