Chapter 17

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"All the little things, all the little things you are, they make you something else." - Something Else by Drew Chadwick

Jessinia's Pov-

"Cause you're hot then you're cold. You're yes then you're no. You're in then you're out. You're up then you're down.You're wrong when it's right. It's black and it's white. We fight, we break up. We kiss, we make up." I sang out the lyrics of Katy Perry Hot'n Cold, as I danced around in my my room. My room was like any other typical teenage girl's room. I have a nice full size bed with a few dresser's and lets not forget the millions of posters of various pop stars and bands.

My music stopped blasting through my headphones for a second and informed my that I received a text message."Sleepover at my house?" The text from Mariah read. I squealed in delight and text-ed back a 'yes. It would be nice to hang out with my girls. I've been spending so much time with Jay I forgot I had girl friends. Oh did I tell you that Leslie's back? She called yesterday explaining everything to me. I can't tell you how much relief I felt when when I got that call. It was a weight lifted off my shoulders.

After packing everything I'll need for the sleepover, I threw my Spongebob book bag over my shoulder and skipped merrily done the stairs; of the house. Finally down the stairs, I left outside the house and got into my Honda that was parked in the driveway.

Around 20 minutes of driving, and I finally reached the Sykes residence. Grabbing my Spongebob book bag from the passenger seat. I got out of my car and headed towards the front door. I rang the doorbell and tapped my foot waiting patiently for the door to be answered.

When the door opened, I smiled up at Mariah's butler Jerry - I believe that was his name."Hello, How may I help you?" He asked smiling down at me.

"Mariah invited me over." I replied. Jerry made a 'aw sound, then nodded his head and told me to follow him inside.I've been in this mansion a couple times before, but it still amazes me how big it is. How can somebody need so much damn space? I hear Jerry question beside me say that Mariah is in her room.Before running up the familiar stairs, I then skipped down the long hallway and stopped at Mariah's door. You could already hear the laughing through the other side of the door.

I bust the door open causing Mariah and Leslie to stop laughing and look at me.The first thing I did was tackle Leslie, thank goodness she was on the bed or else cause if she wasn't she would have hit the floor hard. After getting off her, I took the time to really look at her. Her skin looked paler than usual, but it still had a nice glow to it.

"Oh my gosh! I missed you. I thought somebody had killed you." I said to her in a fake cry voice. She rolled her eyes and replied."You told me this like a thousand times yesterday!" I giggled at her statement and joined them on her bed.

I looked at Mariah who was staring off into space with a smile spread across her face. I wonder what she's thinking about. I poked her shoulder repeatedly until she finally looked at me."What's going on in that head of yours?" I asked sitting criss cross apple sauce.

"Oh nothing." She replied a little quickly. I eyed her suspiciously.

"Mhmmm you where thinking about Nathan, weren't you?" Her face turned red as she whispered out the word 'no.

"Sooo tell me about last night, cause you left me hanging without texting or calling. I asked with a smirk on my face. She twirled her fingers as she spoke.

"Well, Nathan took me to an Emblem 3 concert and it was the best night of my life." I stared at her in complete shock. I couldn't believe he did that, who knew the famous bad boy had a soft side? It was the most romantic thing ever and it was sweet and thoughtful. I know how much she loves Emblem 3 they're all she talks about,(true Emblem 3 is all I talk about, well besides 1D, and TW) you should her room they're all over her walls.I'm in her room now and all that's there is Emblem 3.

You Found Me In My Darkest Hour (Nathan Sykes FanFic) (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now