Chapter 20

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Mariah POV

I got up this morning with an on growing headache, I guess it was from all the crying I did last night. I sat up on my bed and went through the memories of last night. I remember meeting a very, very attractive bo- Man name Max. He was the weird guy in my dream that tried to kill me but in reality he was very sweet but

had this bad ass edge to him.

I also remember walking in the house noticing Nathan sleeping on the living room couch then doing some stupid matrix moves up the stairs so he couldn't hear me. I let out a chuckle as the scene replayed in my head.

Sometimes I was just a complete idiot.


After showering and brushing my teeth I looked down at the two outfits that sat on my bed deciding which one to wear. I had choice a of skinny jeans with a sleeping with Sirens shirt or black shorts with a Lil Wayne shirt. I stared down at the clothes for a few more seconds before choosing the second outfit.

When I was done dressing I could hear my stomach growling. It was still morning so I decided I'll go downstairs and get something to eat. Leaving the room I bumped into somebody causing me to fall but to strong arms caught me. When I notice it was Nathan I tried my best to avoid eye contact.

"Woah watch where your going. If you wanted to touch my chest you could of just asked instead of pretending to bumping into me." He said still holding me. I removed his hands from me and stepped to side to leave but he mirrored my moves.

"Excuse me." I said trying to leave but I couldn't since he gripped my waist again.

"You can be excused as soon as you answer my question."

"What is it?" I said sounding a little hesitant.

"Where we're you last night?" He asked cupping my chin so I can look at him. I bit my bottom lip trying to come up with a believable excuse.

"Ermm... I was at Leslie house." I reply as I gave myself a mental pat on my back.

"Then what explains the man that brung you home last night?"

"What guy?" I asked at trying to sound dumb founded.

"Lets not play games, you know this mansion is secure with cameras." I froze and cursed under my breath.

"It was nobody." I tried to release myself but it only made him grip me tighter.

"Don't lie to me baby doll." He whispers in my ear. He grazes his lips against my neck causing chills to go down my back. I gave hims push but he didn't budge. I huffed and mumbled, "Why do you care anyway." He tense up but then covered it up, "Oh don't worry baby doll I don't care." He let me go and walked away. I couldn't help but feel a little hurt when he said that.

I sighed and skipped down the steps in search of something to eat. I stop mid step when I heard my phone ringing in my pocket. I answered it without checking the caller ID.

"Hello." I answered

"Hey Mariah it's Max I was wondering if you'll like to grab something to eat for breakfast."

I thought for awhile before answering, "Sure."

"Good because I'm already outside." He said through the phone before hanging up. I put my phone back and headed out the door. I spotted Max leaning against what I guess was his car smoking a cigarette. When he notice me he gave me a smile and smashed his cigarette on the floor.

"Your ready?" Max said opening the car door for me. I gave him a small nods and climbed into the car. Max jogged to the driver side and got in.

"Um, so where are we going?" I asked playing with my fingers.

"Where ever you wanna go." He replied with a cheecky grin.

"Starsbucks." I said casually. He gave me a nod and continue to drive.

When we pulled into Starbucks parking lot Max came to the other side of the car to help me out. I said a quick thanks and followed him into Starbucks. I don't know why but I was feeling kind of shaky in the presence of Max maybe it was the whole dream thing.

"What would you like babe?" My stomach did a flip flop at his reference to me as 'babe.

"A chocolate chip bagel with a chocolate milkshake."

"I'll have the same." Max said to the clerk behind the counter. The clerk gave us a nod before telling a his co-worker besides him our order.

After Max took the tray from the guy with our food on it we took a seat next to the front door. My stomach was growling so I didn't waste no time to take a big bite of the bagel. I smiled to myself since I finally got something in my stomach.

"I didn't know you we're that hungry." My eyes snapped to Max as I notice he had an amused smirk plastered on his face.

"You can continue babe, just don't go to fast we don't want you to choke now do we?" A blush crept to my check as I slowly nodded my head.

"Um how old are you?" I blurted out. I didn't want to sound rude or anything but I needed to know, Max does look older then me.

"22." I almost choked on my milkshake when he said that. He is almost 5 years older then me!

"Excuse me? I said making sure I didn't hear him wrong.

"22, is there a problem?" He said nonchalantly

"No." I murmured.

"So how old are you?" He said taking a sip of his milkshake.

"16 but I'll be 17 on July 8th."

"Your young." He said giving me a small smile.

"Ermm, yeah I know." I take another bite of my bagel feeling a little awkward.


Sorry for the late and short chapter.

This chapter is slow but it has a meaning behind it, all my chapters have meaning to it.






To much to take in at once.

Oh read my new Niall fan fic!!

-Mariah The Wanted

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