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March 4, 2021

Dear Scaramouche,

I don't think you want to be in contact with me anymore and I understand why but I just wanted to say I'm sorry, I'm sorry for everything and I miss you.

It's been a month since we broke up and I just wanted to ask how you were doing.

How's Kuni doing? She was really cute, remember those times where she meowed and purred whenever we'd pet her..

You remember how we would cuddle up on the couch with some popcorn and watch random movies we could find? You even spilled your coke on your shirt on accident, you looked like a wet dog for some reason haha. You still looked cute don't worry.

My brother, Kazuha, is planning on writing to you too! Don't tell him I told you..

It's a bummer knowing you too broke contact because of me, he's been really sad that he hasn't talked to you but he's willing to start a friendship again with you, I'm sorry you and Kazuha had to break off your friendship because of me.

Kazuha won't stop talking about you, you're like the only topic he talks about, at least with me, I don't know if he mentions you to others but whatever

Kazuha is also asking how you've been these few weeks, we miss you Scaramouche. Seriously, how have you been? Is everything going okay? Are you in a new relationship? What have you been doing these few days?

We recently got a new cat, we don't know the name yet but he's so cute, I wonder if him and Kuni would get along hahaha.

Have you seen the gifts that Kazuha sent you? I think he sent it around two weeks ago, I don't know what it was to be honest.

If you've seen it, wanna tell me what it is? Kazuha won't tell me what it is.

I know, I know, you don't want to talk to me, you don't want to hear about me, you don't want anything to do with me, but i miss you so goddamn much and I just can't move on.

I know it was my fault, I know you ended it because if me, it was my fault and I'm just sorry, I'm truly sorry about everything, this is so embarrassing oh my, I'm just sorry, I know I was the reason of the break up. I'm sorry

Gosh well I'm sorry for blabbering so much, I'll end the letter here I guess. This is my first letter for you, I don't know if I'll send more... We'll see, but I'm just sorry okay? Good luck in life, Take care and stay safe, I hope you enjoy life now.


✓ Lovingly Yours -- ScaramoucheWhere stories live. Discover now