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I woke up, expecting to see a letter on my mailbox as usual. I was surprised to not see one, I just thought it was arriving late.

But no, it never arrived, there wasn't a letter that arrived.

Every day, I waited for a new letter, every individual day.

March 5, none

March 6, none

March 7, none

Just everyday until May 4.

It's been two months since I last heard from her, Kazuha broke contact with me just recently for something, I don't really know why but I'm more concerned of y/n.

She hasn't written to me in two months and I don't know what happened to her.

I honestly don't even read her letters but now I was curious, very curious. What did she talk about? What did she tell me everyday? I missed her.

I missed her so much, I still do love her and I don't know why I can't bring myself to read one of her letters.

I went over to my cabinet/dresser, it was full of her letters which was organized from the first to the last letter she sent. I never threw them away, why would I?

I picked the first one and finally read it. It took a while, but I reached the last one. I was already in the verge of tears but I still read it.

It hurt me so much, reading her letter.

She gave up on me, I love her still.

I want to apologize, I just want to say sorry. I want to write back.

But I'm scared... What if she won't even acknowledge my letter, what if she just throws it away? That's what she felt, when I ignored her letters.

I only didn't write back because I didn't want to be reminded by her again. But I didn't read the letters.

But those thoughts were soon interrupted, I heard mail box click, a part of me thinks it's y/n, but there was a gut feeling that it wasn't.

I walked towards the door and opened the mailbox, I took out the envelope inside, y/n's name wasn't in the envelope, only an address of a certain hospital could be seen, so I immediately opened it.

And that was it.

That was the thing that just made me lose my mind. She's gone? She can't be. This must be some sort of prank or joke on me.


I saw the address of the hospital on the letter and drove there, i just had to confirm. It couldn't be true.. She's not gone. She's alive, she's an alive and healthy girl.

When we were together we were happy, she wasn't sick, she can't be sick, she can't be gone, she can't-.

I had to see her. I wanted to see her. I needed to see her.

I drove faster and faster, on the way to the hospital. And when I did get there, I went inside to see a not so busy hospital.

I walked over to the front and asked. "Hello miss, may I ask if there was a patient named Y/N L/N?" And it hit me, the pain and regret of not responding to her hit me, "Yes there was, sir, but the files are confidential.. the only information I can bring to you is that she's gone and no longer here."

"She was discharged?" I can't believe I'm this desperate to meet someone, "No, sir, she's dead."

I was stunned, I couldn't move. I managed to reply a thank you and ran back to my car.

Cursing at myself.

I next drove to her house to confirm, I couldn't believe anything anymore. She's alive right? This is all some sort of joke right? I'm not that stupid to fall for this.

But I still drove to her house to confirm, rang her doorbell and was greeted by Kazuha. He looks like he's been crying.

"Kazuh-" I was cut off.

"Shut it, I don't want to hear from you anymore." He was about to close the door, but I stopped it just in time with my foot, "Kazuha what happened to y/n? That's all i need to know... Please I'm sorry. What happened to her?"

"Is this some sort of joke? Do you not read her letters? She's dead, Scaramouche. Now let go." And the door slammed.

I love her, she can't be gone. She can't be gone right? This is all some sort of joke. I pinched myself a couple of times, thinking it was a dream.

Y/N i need you. You can't die on me y/n. I love you, I love you so much.


Next chapter is the last chapter! What do you think so far? Oh this is Scaramouche's pov by the way.


✓ Lovingly Yours -- ScaramoucheWhere stories live. Discover now