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Dear Scaramouche,

I'm losing patience, every day, every individual day, I wait, and wait, and wait for hours for atleast any sign of your response. I don't think I can wait any more longer.. I have to suck it up.

I know you'll write back.. you will.. right? I know you will, I have this gut feeling that you will, I just know. Right?

Do you even read my letters? Do you read them? Do you take time out of your day to open my letter and read it? Do you read every word of it? Do you? Scaramouche do you read them?

I'm so fucking sorry, I'm just sorry, but I'm losing pstience. Oh when do you think I'll stop writing? It's starting to hurt, writing to someone when you don't even know if they read it? It's really starting to hurt.

You see it's shit, I still love you, but do you feel the same way? Do you still want to wake up every morning next to me? Do you still want to be with me? Do you still want to love me and live with me? Do you still want me?

No, Do you need me? Do you?

Atleast write back Scaramouche, it hurts. It hurts that you're not writing back. It's been a year and a half, just when are you writing back? Scaramouche I miss you, as if that's not already obvious.

I miss you so much, just why don't we fix this? At least be friends? At least talk? Even the slight and smallest interaction. Please.

Scararamouche please.

I'm begging you.

Just write back, even if you don't forgive me, just write back. Scaramouche please, please. Just one letter, one. Just one.

Please, Scaramouche, I'm getting impatient, I'm losing my patience.

Every day.

Every night.

Every week.

Every month.

I miss you. I don't understand, Scaramouche. I don't understand why it's so hard for you to just write back, does it hurt too? To write to me? Do you even try?

Now that makes me question crap, did you even try reading my letters? Did you even try to atleast write? Did you even try to love me? Do you miss me like I miss you?

Scaramouche, just one, one letter.



✓ Lovingly Yours -- ScaramoucheWhere stories live. Discover now