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Dear Scaramouche,

Hey nothing new! It's just me again.. How have you been these past few days? Have you been eating healthy? Are you sick or something? (hopefully you aren't sick)

Well if you are then get well soon? Well I don't really know what to say. I saw you by the park a few days ago by the way...

You looked happy not gonna lie, was it fun with Signora and Childe? (If it's them, not really sure)

Haha that reminds me of the times where we used to go to the park and get ice cream, I'd usually spill it accidentally, ALMOST every time hehehe.

You soon also started doing it on purpose too because you found it funny I think? Atleast that's what I think.

Oh yeah! Are you still in the 6reeze band? I heard it became 5wirl now, did someone leave or was it you?

That's a shame honestly, I haven't seen you all perform in a long time and now someone left! But nevertheless, I hope you're doing well and alright.

Congratulations again for rekindling your friendship with Kazuha! Proud sister of his.

When can I see Kuni? How is she? Have you been feeding her well enough? Is she still a healthy little kitty cat?

Well enough for today!

This letter is not much and to be honest I'm running out of things to write, it's getting tiring a little bit but it's alright, I'll be able to handle a bit more of waiting. I just want to hear something from you or atleast be able to talk to you, you know?

That's kinda everything I can really make up in the letter so.... Bye for now Scaramouche.


✓ Lovingly Yours -- ScaramoucheWhere stories live. Discover now