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April 29, 2021

Dear Scaramouche,

Hey, my 56th letter, Can you believe it? I wrote everyday wow, honestly I don't even know if I counted it correctly but nevertheless.

How was your day today? There's hope in me that you'll reply atleast once, oh wait.

Have you read the other 55 letters? Now I don't even think you read them.. it's alright though, I completely understand why.

Kazuha and you became friends again, right? I'm glad.. At least you could rekindle your friendship with him, I also heard somewhere that you and mona are dating.

Congratulations!! It kinda hurts but atleast you're happy, if you're not happy then that's a big deal, i hope you enjoy being with her, Mona is really amazing, you're lucky to have her, really.

Me and Mona are great friends by the way, so don't worry I won't hate her or you for it, I honestly have nothing against the two of you. I just really hope things work out between the two of you.

If you're happy, I'm happy.

You two seem happy, I've not seen the two of you with my own eyes and I don't know if these are just rumors, but incase they aren't, congratulations !!

How are you by the way? I'm sorry if I'm really bothering you with these letters.. I know I can get really annoying.. I just want to know what's going on, not that it's any of my business..

Just simply worried...

I'm just sorry okay?..
I'm sorry for everything, for messing up our relationship, for ruining it, for being such a bitch.

I honestly just miss you, I just want to be your friend cause I know we can't be together again, I just really want you to talk to me again and I just want to be on good terms with you again.. at least be friends or something...

You were really great and I am aware I wasn't.

..I miss you Scaramouche.

Why did I have to mess it all up..

But off that topic, congratulations on rekindling your friendship with Kazuha and for getting together with Mona. I'm glad everything is working out in your life.

I'll be here, whenever you wanna talk to me, anything at all, I'll be here for you.

I'll help you with anything, you can come to me. And no I have not told anyone the secrets you've told me, I have respect too.

I'm really sorry, though this is goodbye. (For now)


✓ Lovingly Yours -- ScaramoucheWhere stories live. Discover now