
905 49 15

May 21, 2021

Dear Scaramouche,

Hey! So 78th letter hahaha, I'll start removing the dates hehe. It's getting a bit tiring.

I'm not sure what else to say except, how are you?

I heard the Mona and You dating rumors were fake... Wonder who started it hehe... I'm just gonna write random things cause I honestly have nothing to say.

Doesn't it feel good when someone helps you? For some, they practically don't like being a bother. But accepting a helping hand won't hurt.

As we meet people throughout our life, they leave us with painful and happy memories. It is okay to get to know them. We should enjoy our time with them. For, who knows, they might disappear sooner or later.

Having someone around can be a help to our feelings. Our mood, our mindset, and our actions, it can depend on a person or the people we're around with. If you're hanging around a person too much, it might affect your behavior or change your overall appearance, just everything about you in general.

Losing a person can damage our mental wellness. That's why, we cannot rely on those who offer to help us. But again, let one remind you that it is okay to accept a hand rather than shutting yourself from reality.

We should be glad that we get to meet new people. We should never miss the opportunity in getting to know them. Let's say, you were paired up with a person you refused to talk to, not knowing they were fun to be with. Who knows, they might as well change you for the better or for the worst. (Credits to the person who wrote this)

Got that from google or whatever, I thought it was interesting.

It isn't much but I can still make something out of it? I think we're okay.. are we? I don't know, probably not because I was such a jerk to you.

Just goodluck in life and everything.

The letter isn't that long because I guess since I ACTUALLY have nothing to say, emphasis on the actually.

I hope you have a great life hehe, goodluck and goodbye! Kazuha wants me to say he said hi in the letter aswell hehe.



✓ Lovingly Yours -- ScaramoucheWhere stories live. Discover now