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Dear Scaramouche,

How have you been? Well I'm making this a really short letter. It's not like you even read them.

But nevertheless. I'm sorry for almost everything, I'm sorry for ruining everything, I'm sorry for being such a bother to you, I'm sorry for hurting you, I'm sorry for being desperate to atleast talk to you, I'm sorry you had to cut communications with some people because of me, I'm sorry for everything i've done to you, I'm sorry for thinking i still have a chance with you, I'm sorry for being annoying as hell, I'm sorry for waking up every day to write to you, I'm sorry for thinking you still love me, I'm sorry for everything, I'm sorry for being with you,I'm sorry for missing you, I'm sorry for dating you.

I'm sorry for loving you.

I know I don't mean anything to you but an ex, and just that, I know you don't want to talk or interact with me, but I'm too desperate. I want you back.

I'm sorry. Just know I'll keep writing but I'm sorry, I'm starting to doubt you, as in I don't think you will write back. But I'll atleast try, even if I'm losing all my patience.

Again Scaramouche, I'm sorry.

I hope whatever happened in the past between us stays in the past.



it's midnight but I'm gonna publish this😭

✓ Lovingly Yours -- ScaramoucheWhere stories live. Discover now