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(hey sorry late publish I was out somewhere)


Hey kid,

Me and Ningguang miss you so much kid, I hope you're doing great up there kid.

Haha remember that time when the three of us(you, me and Ningguang) were hanging out somewhere and you suddenly jumped on me for a piggy back ride. But instead I fell towards Ningguang and everyone just stared at us on the ground while we were laughing?

Haha fun memory right.

But nevertheless, we miss you and we're sorry we couldn't visit you at all, in your whole trip to Inazuma, we're sorry we couldn't be there.

We were both taking care of important matters and you completely left our minds, but even so, we did think about writing to you, but ended up disbanding that plan due to our busyness, and now we have time.

It's been stressful recently and now it's just sad because we lost you, now that you're gone, life just seems bland. That's also what if felt like when you left Liyue for Inazuma.

If we could turn back time and visit you, we would've done so.

Losing you took away a big part in my life, in our lives, including the others. You were mostly our closest friend and probably bestfriend, some even considered you their sibling.

You brought light into our darkness, you were there when we needed someone, you helped us when we needed help, yet we were never there for you because we were too busy arranging important matters, but we should've known that those important matters weren't more important than you.

We could have visited you atleast once but we were stupid enough to not do so. Even if all that happened, why didn't you write to us? Why didn't you tell us about cancer? Why didn't you do so?

We could've talked before you were gone. It was honestly very painful when we found out that you weren't with us anymore, the others cried, dropped down to their knees and sobbed, the others got mad at you for leaving them, the others went back to their homes and wrote letters to you, and the others just mostly miss you.

We miss you y/n, we hope you come back to us or atleast we hope we can reconcile with you, interact with you, and talk to you again.

You were like a child to me, possibly even a part of me. Me and Ningguang love you, we miss you.

Thank you for everything you've ever done for us and we appreciate it dearly. Thank you kid.

Your (technically) mother

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