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Dear Scaramouche,

HELLO! Why did I write in all caps... Yeah anyways! I'm feeling kinda sad today, what about you? How are you feeling today?

Did you go somewhere or something? Anything exciting that happened?

Oh yeah how have you been? I've been doing alright, just thinking. What if I didn't love you anymore?

Like I wonder what would happen, would I still send letters or hate you? Hmm I don't really know! But like, I hope I'm not foreshadowing or jinxing anything.

I wonder what would've happened if I didn't screw things up you know? Or if we just didn't even get together.

Oh yeah did you remember? It's my birthday today! (Your birthday), I got a lot of gifts, my fav one was this hoodie, I think it would look good on you, it doesn't really fit me, it's a bit big so I think it'll fit you. Should i ask Kazuha to give it to you?

Anyways, speaking of birthdays, did you see my birthday gift for you this year? I planned to give it to you but wow you broke up with me on your birthday! It was your birthday but I got the surprise instead??

Did you like it? Or have you opened it? I sent it like the same day I sent my first ever letter to you. The first day I realized I was desperate to get you to come back.

Oh not to mention, I heard you reconciled with your mother recently, how has she been? I remember you two would always fight when we were together, it was kinda funny hehehe.

Like that one time the two of you fought because of her opinion on ketchup and mustard, you got so mad at her for it heh. Or that one argument where she said something about rice in tea and you got really mad.

Oh and wow I heard another thing! (I'm not a stalker Kazuha just tells me random stuff)
Kazuha said you are going through therapy currently, I hope it goes well for you!

Good luck on therapy. And your therapist, are they good? I hope they're helping you well.

Anyways as I was saying, your gift. Have you seen it? It's new hoodies and some weird love letters I wrote, and hand warmers cause I remember you had a cold hand before, oh not to mention a few couple things that i think you'd like.

If you haven't seen it yet, then there, you've been spoiled! Spoiler alert hehe.

And Scaramouche.

As usual I still miss you. When are you writing back? Hm? I'm sorry Scaramouche, I really am, I'm just so sorry. I'm terribly sorry. I miss you, I love you I just want you, I want to hold you tight again, I want to be with you again, I want to be able to talk to you again, I want to be able to actually interact with you, I want to love you again and never let you go.

Please just.. write back. I'm begging, I miss you so much. Come back please.. please?

Well I'm gonna end the letter here for now because I'm honestly really tired, the doctor said I should go and rest so I'm going to do that! Hopefully you respond soon or sooner.

I'm sorry for bothering you.


✓ Lovingly Yours -- ScaramoucheWhere stories live. Discover now