Untitled Part 5

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Man its been long! Sorry for not updating sooner, the story wasn't good enough and I had a lot of studying to do most of the year! BTW the name of this chapter is wrong and it won't let me edit for some reason! It's really chapter 4, but it doesn't matter much! Vote, comment, enjoy!!


The alarm blares loudly in my ear, waking me up from the blissful dream I was having. Groaning at the noise, I reach a hand out from the warmth of my comforter, and knock the alarm off my dresser, effectively shutting it up. I sigh as sleep overcomes me again, taking me back into dreamland.

"Wake up, Melissa! You're gonna be late!"

I open my eyes groggily. My mum is leaning over me with a frown on her face .

"What is it?" I grumble, turning onto my back.

"There's only half an hour left before school starts. If you don't get up now, then you're going to be late." She bends down and picks something off the floor. It's my alarm clock, well what's left of it.

Then what mum said snaps me out of my delirious state and I jump out of the bed. My mum seems to get the message because she rushes out of my room, closing the door behind her.

Checking the clock on the wall, I see that's it's 7:30. God, I guess I need to set my alarm more earlier than 6:30. There's no time for a shower, so I open my closet and grab the first suitable set of clothes I see.

Fifteen minutes later, after I've gotten dressed, brushed my hair and worn minimum make up, I head downstairs, with five minutes to spare.

Walking into the kitchen, I take a deep breath, smelling the whiff of pancakes. My mum turns around and when she sees me, she smiles at me warmly. I sit down on the counter, swinging my legs back and forth, as she hands me a plate of pancakes.

"Eat up, you're not getting enough food in yourself." Mum says.

I ignore her last comment. I take a bite of the pancake, which tastes like heaven in my mouth, and ask her. "When's your wedding?"

She whips around in surprise. She frowns a little at my flat tone, but nonetheless brightens up. "Max and I haven't decided a date yet, but I'll let you know when we do."

I nod as I finish off the pancake. Holding a grudge against her won't make a difference after long.

I start to head out, when my mum's voice stops me. "Oh and sweetheart, Max and Cody will be moving in on Saturday morning."

The forming of my fist is the only indication my mum gets, that shows I'm not exactly happy. Just when I was starting to soften towards her, she ruins it all. Like always.

"And you're talking about this Saturday, right." I know what the answer is, which is why it's not a question.

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