Untitled Part 6

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Again I'm sorry for the title of the chapter and also for any mistakes I may have made!!


I clutch Cody closer, tugging on his thigh with my hand. We've watched half of the movie already, with me drawing so close to Cody that I'm practically on his lap.

Cody leans back at ease with his hands behind his head, laughing at every scary scene that terrifies me. I could slap him for every stupid noise he makes that adds to my paranoia, but I'm frozen in place, and I am no way in hell letting go of Cody.

"Remind me again why we are watching this... thing?" I whisper, glancing at him from the corner of my eye.

He brings his head down, and rests it on mine. "If you're too scared, you can use me as protection." He turns his head so his lips are near my ear. "I promise to protect you from the monsters."

I shiver. Not because of the cold, but because of how tingles flow through my body at the closeness of his lips.

I'm about to reply with a 'no thanks' when the zombie comes out again, scaring the life out of me. As fast as humanly possible, I leap onto Cody's lap, gripping his shirt, and bury my face in his warm, perfected chest.

Cody seems a bit startled at first, but after the initial shock, he then puts one arm around me, using the other to turn the TV off with the remote.

I keep my cheek pressed against his chest, feeling the soft material of his shirt. Too late I realise how close I am, and I brace myself for when he may push me away.

But he doesn't.

Instead, Cody strokes my hair, delicately and softly. "Are you okay?" He asks, voice thick with concern.

I shake my head, clutching him closer. "That is some scary ass movie."

He softly chuckles, a sound that I'm beginning to like. "That's true."

We lay there for a few minutes, soaking each other's warmth. It's amazing how safe I feel from a person I hardly know anything about.

I rub my tired eyes, yawning as I do so. Cody takes some of the strands that have fallen onto my face, and tucks them behind my ear. "Shall we go upstairs?"


When I don't make any move to get up, Cody laughs, and quickly kissing my forehead, he stands up, taking me with him, and carries me princess - style.

I gaze up into his midnight blue eyes as he carries me up the stairs. No one has ever held me so close before. Neither has anyone cared for me so much after my dad. And I'm beginning to think maybe my life has changed for the better.

I really hope so.

When we arrive at the top of the stairs, I point to the guest room - which will now be Cody's - and he pushes the door open with his foot.

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