Untitled Part 14

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"Would you like anything else?"

The customer shakes his head 'no' and I quirk my lips slightly, nodding at him, before going back to the kitchen. I place the slip order of food on the side wall and walk out towards the bar. 
Angela joins me and passes me a few glasses to stack on the shelf. I'm taller than her and she's well, just average height. Plus her shirt is short, and tiptoeing up would reveal a lot down there. 
"Melissa, thanks. Remember if you need anything from down here where we shorties are, just ask." She grins before passing the last glass and turning towards a customer. 
I leave the bar - no way in hell would I ever manage being a bartender - and I join a new couple that has just sat down on a table. I say my introductions and leave them to decide what they want from the menu. They look like a cute couple, but it seems as though he guy is about 20 years older than the girl. 
First rule of waitresses at Johnsons: NEVER stick your nose in other's business. I've got to constantly remind myself of that. I start to head towards a new table when I spot something from the corner of my eye. Aaron. He strolls in through the door and saunters over to a corner booth. 
He's here, just like he said he'd be. Honestly I thought that he'd forget, or at least not even bother, but he came. And I don't know why that doesn't excite me. 
However, despite my lack of enthusiasm on seeing Aaron here, I walk over to him with a big smile on my face. 
He sees me coming over and grins wide. "Melissa, I was wondering whether you even worked here anymore. I didn't see you from the outside window." 
"Well, if you looked at the whole restaurant, there are tables behind the bar. But those are premium, for VIPs only." 
"Well this booth is the most comfortable I've ever sat on. And I've got the best view in front of me. It's not too bad." He winks and I realise that he's talking about me. 
I smirk at his corny line and place the menu in front of him. "Choose what you'd like to have, the drinks are less expensive at the bar by the way, just a word of advice." 
I leave him to his own decision before he asks me what I'd get or something. 
I give service to three table before I head back to Aaron. He seems to have made up his mind as he's got his legs kicked up on the seat across, and he's looking at his phone, texting perhaps. When he notices me, he tucks his phone away and in return I smile.  
"Know what you want yet?" I ask, getting my notepad ready. 
"Uh, yeah. Could I have chicken noodles and a glass of apple juice as well, please."
"Of course, anything else?" 
"Well I'd love he company of a beautiful young waitress called Melissa who works here, but I don't think she's available." He's trying to be cheeky and funny, and to be honest what ever he's trying to do is working. 
I lean over, ignoring when his eyes shift to my cleavage, and say, "My shift finishes in fifteen minutes, luckily for you, so maybe I'll join you for a drink at the bar once you've eaten." 
"Sounds great to me." He flashes a smile at me, and I drag my eyes off him reluctantly before spinning and walking off towards the kitchen. A great sight like that, I'd have to be blind in order to want to look away from that.
I place the order on the nearly empty wall, and put Aaron's order first. I don't want to wait for Aaron because of the late service.
The fifteen minutes passes by in no time, and soon after, I find myself at the bar, having a glass of sparkling water next to Aaron. I'm underage, and the last place I'd be served alcohol is over here. Good thing I don't need alcohol to find Aaron funny. But it does feel like he's trying a little too hard. 
"So," I say when I've finished my glass. "Want to head home?"
It's not clear, but I mean my home. Going to his place would give the wrong intentions, especially when I hardly even know him. It wouldn't harm us if we made out though in my place. 
"Yeah sure, but I'm driving. I gotta go somewhere tomorrow and I need my car in the morning." Fair enough, I'll just get my car by walking here tomorrow. It isn't too far from my house. 
We walk side by side to his car. Our hands aren't touching though, and I'm relieved by that. I don't really know whether we are dating or if it's just a fling, but I guess time will tell. 
Once we arrive at my house, I open the door silently as its 9:00 pm and I'm not sure whether anyone is asleep or watching TV. 
A quick look in the kitchen shows that it's empty so I gesture for Aaron to follow me in. As he takes a seat on the stool, I head over to the fridge to get us two cans of coke. Passing one to him, I quickly open mine and take a large gulp.
"Thirsty much?" Aaron laughs, holding his unopened coke.
"Yeah you could say that. Johnsons don't feed us well enough." I joke.
We sit there, in a comfortable silence, drinking what's left of our coke. I'm finished first so I throw it away, literally, and Aaron complements me on my throwing skills.
"So I'm guessing you don't live alone..." he waits for me to answer, but I don't think he'll like it. Not with Cody in the equation.
"I live with my mum, but her boyfriend recently just moved back next with his son." I don't refer Max as mum's fiancé because frankly, I don't think they're going to last long. It'd be good riddance as well.
My lips start to get dry, so I take a lip balm from my pocket and apply it to my lips. It doesn't make me uncomfortable when Aaron stares, in fact, it makes me smile. 
"See something you like?" I say, smacking my lips together.
"Uh, yeah. It's a great shade on you." 
I don't bother to correct him and say that there is no shade to it, it's clear. "Maybe you could try some of it later." 
That is a very brave move, and for a second I think that he's going to back off. But he doesn't. Instead he leans closer towards me, sets his eyes on my lips, and whispers, "How about now?" Then his lips touch mine, stopping my answer of yes. 
I start to kiss him back when there's a loud noise, like a door slamming and then someone pushes the kitchen door open, nearly blowing it off his hinges. I pull away with a gasp, and when I see who it is, I clench my fists. 
It's Cody. Of course it has to be Cody. And I didn't even tell Aaron that Cody's my stepbrother, so I don't think that's gonna go down well.
"What the fuck?" Cody yells, darting his eyes back and forth over me and Aaron. 
What on earth is he talking about? He's the one I caught nearly having sex with someone else, but me moving on and kissing someone is over the line? Well he can go fuck himself. 
"What? What are shouting about?" I shout back at him, but it hurts. If only it was like before, when I had a crush on him and the was too much of a pussy to do shit about it. It was better than this drama. 
Aaron coughs, and we both dart our eyes to him. "Um, I think I should go?" There's a question in his eyes, whether he wants me to go or not. Probably thinks I'm not safe with Cody. I want to laugh because I'm not safe at all with Cody, not emotionally.  
"Yeah you go you bastard, and if I see you here again, I will make sure that you won't be able to walk tomorrow." A threat wouldn't even scare me, but Aaron backs away, silently slipping out of the kitchen. When I hear the front door slam, I shoot my eyes back to Cody, his rage mirroring my own. 
"CODY! What the fuck is your problem? I can do whatever I want with him and it's none of you business. In fact you can't be the one saying all this when just yesterday I caught you nearly naked. With Teresa of all people." And I'm right. It's not fair that he can make me suffer this much, and him not suffer at all.
"Look I'm sorry about that, okay. She was just there, wearing hardly anything, and I'm a guy, you can't blame that I have needs."
Needs? I can't believe him. "Everyone has needs Cody, but you could have at least kept it in your pants when it's someone I have to work with." I'm fuming but I'm nowhere near finished. "Better yet, you could've at least respected me and not fuck a girl in the same bed you've shared with me!" I scream the last three words and he takes a step back in surprise. 
"So is that why you were doing what you were doing with Aaron. Because of that? Tit for tat? Real mature Mel." 
This time I take a step back. Even if he punched me in the stomach it wouldn't hurt as much. My eyes start to water and I curse myself for being weak, or even showing any vulnerability in front of Cody. I can't trust him. He'll probably use it to his advantage. Little unfair to blame him of that, but I don't even know who he is anymore. 
Cody swears when he sees me tearing up and runs a hand through his wavy hair. He then walks towards me and without asking for my permission, takes me into his arms. 
I want to push him away, but I hate to say that I need him. And if I can't have him emotionally, I'll suffice for physicality. Which is why when I pull away, I reach up on my toes and kiss him full on the lips. 
As soon as my lips meet his, I feel tingles run up my arms, and I feel a spark from within me. I'm not even exaggerating. 
But it ends too quickly. Cody pulls away from me, holds my face in his hands, and bends down to eye level with me. "As much as I really want to kiss you, you're not fine, and I want to apologize truly for what I've done. As soon as you saw me and Teresa yesterday and then left, I kicked Teresa out straight away once she got her clothes back on. Even when I was with her, all I was thinking about was you. It's only been you, and I was a selfish bastard yesterday. I really hope you can find it in yourself to forgive me."
I stare into his beautiful eyes, and right now I feel like I'm drowning in those blue irises. "I do now. I think I forgive you... just please don't hurt me like that again. I can't bear it." My voice breaks near the end, and Cody pulls me to his chest, kissing my temple.  
"I won't. I promise I will never hurt you intentionally." He bends his head and takes my lips in a swift tender kiss. All I feel right now is affection from him, and another alien feeling I can't identify.
His words repeat in my head... It's only been you. 
"So we're good?" He asks, resting his forehead with mine. 
"Better then good." It's the truth.
"Good." He breathes before pressing his lips back to mine. He kisses me like he starves for me and when he picks me up and places me on the counter I feel a deep throb from my core. I run my hands through his soft, silky hair, and my tongue meets deliciously with his. 
I'm the first to pull away and I realise that I'm not the only one breathing hard.
"So what are we now?" I ask after a while. 
"Well we are now two people who really like each other and are now dating." He answers with a smirk. How am I starting to like that smirk?
"What about people in school, aren't people going to say things because we're, you know, step brothers and sisters.
"How about we'll keep it a secret for now, and we'll see in the future about going public." 
I contemplate this for a moment. But then again there's not much of any other option so I just nod and wrap my arms around Cody. He's all big and muscles, just like how I remember, and it comforts me that not much has changed about him. 
"Come on, let's get you to bed." He doesn't give me the chance to stand and instead picks me up by my thighs, so I have to wrap my legs around his waist. He turns around and walks out of the kitchen and up the steps. As I lay my head on his shoulder, I grin. A girl could get used to this.
"Which room? Mine or yours?" It excites me that he's planning for us to sleep together, although just sleep, so I whisper "my room" to him. 
He carefully opens my door and places me gently down on the bed, before turning and closing the door effectively shut. 
I'm not sure how fast I fall asleep, but when I open my eyes, I see daylight streaming through the windows, brightening the room up.
And I feel the weight of a hand on my breast. 
Now I don't exactly remember how his hand has reached there, but as I move slightly back, I feeling something prodding my lower back that confirms my suspicion. And there's not a doubt about what's prodding me.
I decide to have a bit of fun with him, after all we are officially and secretly going out so why not? I press back against him hard and feel him slightly shift. His hand on my breast squeezes, brushing his thumb on my nipple and I in turn squeeze my legs together to prevent the pulsing throb from between my legs. 
I reach behind me and, because I'm feeling brave, I grab ahold of his cock. He instantly awakens and sits up, his hand somehow still on my breast. Also not forgetting mine on his crotch. 
"What?" Cody slurs, and falls back onto the bed. But instead of falling back asleep, he turns me so I'm on my back and rolls on top of me. He looks down at his hand on my breast, his eyes heavy lidded with sleep and lust and he smirks devilishly.  
"My, my, Melissa, what do we have here? I'd expect you to push my hand away but it seems as though you like it there, don't you?" His other hand grabs ahold of my chin when I try to face the other way. My cheeks blossom bright red and Cody smiles wider.
"Guess I'm right." He leans towards me and takes my mouth, invading my mouth without permission. And I love it. Even though we haven't brushed our teeth, I don't care. It's much more intimate like this; bared completely, though we have clothes on. 
He moves onto my neck and that's when I can't take it anymore. I grab ahold of his shirt, somehow still on during the night, and I pull it off him. His hands restlessly move over my body, from my hair to my hips, and I feel disappointment that it just stops there. I tug on his hair hard when he bites down on my earlobe, but it's not to stop him, I just need something to grab. 
His hips then start to press into mine and I moan out loud in reaction to the burn in my core. He does it again, pressing his hips slowly and hard against my lower body, and uses my body for leverage. 
"I'm going to burst if you don't stop." I pant, kissing his fingers when they drift over my lips. 
"Just what I want baby." He then lifts my top up over my breasts, along with my bra, and I lose all pretense of control as his mouth closes over my nipple. 
"Want anymore gravy, dear?" Mum asks Cody, holding up the pot. 
"No, thank you, Johanna. Perhaps Melissa would like some."
"No thanks," I say, pinching Cody's thigh under the table. He flinches but says nothing further. 
We're all sitting around our dining table - me, Max, mum and Cody - and it'd weird to admit that it's actually going well. By that I mean thankfully there's been no tantrum or unnecessary drama from mum. Yet.
Although I had thought that I'd be awkward sitting with Cody with my mum and his dad, especially after him giving me my first orgasm, though I haven't told him it yet. 
"Max, honey, would you like to tell Caiden and Melissa, or shall I?" Mum asks Max pleasantly, again another thing she's been doing very weirdly.
"What's up, Dad?" Cody asks.
Max sighs, placing his knife and fork down before interlocking his hands with his elbows on the table. "You see kids, myself and Johanna have decided to refurbish this house." 
My eyes instantly go to my mum, and I'm not surprised to see not a trace of guilt or embarrassment. But she should be. Ruining and changing something that dad took a long time and a lot of his savings to make its a choice of some guy mum suddenly is engaged to. It's a family decision, and if mum isn't going to play by the family rules, I'll have to do something fast. 
I stand up, throwing my chair back, and run out of the room, angry tears running down my cheeks. How dare she do this? I slam my door close and jump down onto my bed, immediately soaking the pillow with my tears.
I want to do something but I don't know what to do. It's as if she's taking my life, slowly over time, until I have nothing left but the things she'll want. Knowing her, before college she'll interfere with something so I'll be living with her instead of the dorms. 
I can't let that happen. I really need to figure something out. If dad were alive, he'd never let mum do this. Never. Not to me. 
A knock on the door breaks me from my train of thought. I don't feel like talking to anyone right at this moment. Alone time with myself is much preferred. 
Which is why when the door opens and I see Cody at the doorway, I pick up a pillow from next to me and throw it at him. He catches it before it makes contact with his face, of course because he's a quarterback, and shakes his head with a smile. 
"You're gonna have to try harder to get rid of me." 
"What do you want?" I snap. Although I admit that my mood has soften a bit after seeing Cody. Maybe a lot. 
"Well, what I want is to know what happened down there, but I'm not going to talk about that because I can see an empty space on the bed that needs filling up."
True to his words, he walks over and lays down next to me, facing me. 
"You know I get why you ran up here after that news." He says, stroking my cheek.
"Do you?" Wasn't the reason he came up here to find out why I was angry?
"Yeah, I've had a similar experience before." He coughs and looks away, his eyes going distant as if remembering something. "My mum and dad used to have arguments when I was just a kid. It was normal for me to come home from school and expect a noisy dinner."
He pauses, as if contemplating his next words. "But one night, I think it got very loud, more tension, crying from my mum. They were talking about the house I was living in. About selling it. I didn't know until after my mum died that my dad wanted to demolish the home my mum grow up in, the one we'd all been living in. And my dad did it, after my mum died. I've never forgiven him for that."
"I'm so sorry you have such an ass for a dad." I truly am. I know how bad that is, except it's my mum instead of my dad.
He laughes, shaking his head. "I know, but he's an alright dad, been there for me and all. His bad things just over-weighted the good."
I smile, because yet again, I can completely relate to his words.
I scoot my hand closer to his, and when we touch, he interlocks our fingers together, squeezing tightly. It's safe to say that I fell asleep with a wide grin and a comfortable weight on my hand. 
I jolt awake with a little jump. My forehead is soaked with my perspiration, and my clothes cling to my stomach and back in a sweaty mess. 
Sighing when the dream comes back to me, I look at the clock to see it's 3:00 am. Cody lays next to me, snoring gently, and I feel a brief spark run through my stomach at seeing him - just as always - not a trace of stress on his face, just peace. 
I lean over and kiss his cheek. He makes a sexy growl, and reaches over to my thigh and pulls it close. No doubt thinking it's me. I lay back down and wrap my arms around his waist. My face cools against Cody's naked chest, and snuggle into him comfortably.
For the first time in a long time, I go to sleep feeling irrevocably and completely safe after a nightmare. And before I fall sleep, I wonder whether it's a good thing or not. 

Wow haven't updated in a month now. Hmm... it seems as though Cody and Melissa are together now... but will they stay like that? JOKING! This was not a spoiler cos I'm not even sure about how I'm gonna finish this book. If anyone has suggestions, lease comment ♥. Love ya! Vote, comment, and most importantly, ENJOY!

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