Chapter 1 - 6 months later...

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Fair warning. There will be swear words in this chapter and in this book. So if you're a good girl/boy and don't wanna read the words I suggest you either skip/ignore the words or you can just read another book.

(Of course I would rather you not do the latter.)

Enjoy and feel free to share your opinions but please don't advertise or say any disrespectful things in this book because I will just delete it!!

Also this book is dedicated to...





...for introducing me to wattpad and generally being my friends. There are many more friends who helped me but unfortunately they're not on wattpad.


6 months later...

I jump down the steps two at a time, after getting ready for school. When my foot lands on the last step, I loose my balance and the next thing I know, my butt comes crushing down hard onto the floor. Ouch! I let out a string of profanities as I push myself from the floor, using the rail for support.

"Did you fall again, dear?" I hear my mum say from the kitchen.

Fall again? When was the last time I fell? "No, it was the sound of your vase smashing when I dropped it."

I roll my eyes when I hear the hurried footsteps of my mums ascend towards me. Is she that thick?

My mum appears in front of me looking as if she's out of breath. She's wearing an apron which is unnecessary since I can see some flour, and some other green shit, on the sides of her cotton white sweater. A stray blond strand of her hair has fallen on top of her eye but she makes no move to wipe it out the way.

At first she looks bemused as she searches for any pieces of glass on the floor. But when she realises that I was just making fun of her, her mouth sets in a firm line and she glares at me.

"What was that for?" she demands, still glaring.

I muster up my most innocent expression. "What was what for?"

She purses her lips. "Don't play games with me. You know that vase is very important to me."

I raise an eyebrow and put a hand over my heart. "Oh I'm sorry, it's my fault that you didn't listen with your ears and think with your brain that for a vase to break you have to hear a smash which my ass did not do."

She narrows her eyes at me. "Don't act so smart. I thought you broke it because you said so and I was cooking so I didn't pay attention to the sound."

I cross my arms and smirk at her. "Oh yeah? Well where did you even put the vase in the first place?"

The only reaction I get from her is a scowl, so I answer for her. "Yeah that's right, your precious vase, that your boyfriend got you, is at your boyfriend's house." I cross my arms and give her a wry grin.

She contemplates something as she examines her perfectly polished nails. Then she sighs, hangs her head and groans in defeat. "You're impossible!"

I grab my bag that had fallen to the floor and head to the front door. "Well I never asked you to take me back into your life."

I feel a hand grasp my elbow, as I reach for the lock, and twist me around.

"You don't mean that, do you?" There's hurt in my mum's eyes as she asks me in a voice full of desperation.

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