Untitled Part 11

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I fume as I pull into my parking spot, not even bothering to check if any other cars are coming my way. Getting out, I slam the door closed, and almost stomp my way to the building. Most people back away from my path, especially with the full-on rage in my eyes, but those who even dare to block my way, I literally just shove past them.

Sighing when I reach my locker, I lean my back against it, bowing my head. I desperately want to slam my fist on the locker, but I control myself, clenching my fist inside.

It's been three days since Monday; three days since Cody's confession. I'd have thought that afterwards, it would be just slightly awkward, if not a lot. But these past days he's hardly even acknowledged me. No matter what I say to him, all he ever replies with is either one-worded, or a curt nod. He doesn't even say hello to me anymore. It's like I'm invisible to him. Unless my mum or his dad is there, of course, because then he'll just small talk with me. I think those small talks are what hurt the most, because anyone can ignore someone and act like they're okay, but when he showed how indifferent he was towards me, almost as if he'd never felt anything for me, it hurt. Really bad.

And now I'm pissed because he was out the whole fucking night. I had planned to confront him last night, and even had a while speech ready in my head, but he never came home. I had to find from Max that he'd gone to a party, and then from Helen that he'd really gotten into the party mode and was drunk as hell. Finally, at 3 am, I gave up on waiting for him, knowing it's obvious that he's not coming, and went to sleep. Well, when it came two hours later.

Rubbing my tired eyes, I head towards homeroom just as the bells rings. I'll need to figure out a way to get him to speak to me. Somehow.


I walk deliberately with Helen and Arianna to the lunch table. Most of the day has passed and still no sign of Cody. Honestly, it's not even much of a big deal; he could just have a huge hangover so he wants to stay home.

Not so he can avoid me.

"Yeah you keep telling yourself that."

Whoa, did I say that out loud? "Uh what?" I ask Helen.

She rolls her eyes and shakes her head in exasperation, looking at Arianna. "This idiot keeps on telling me that Conner has a much tighter ass than Dan. Come on Ari, Dan is much bigger and fitter than Conner, you don't think his ass will be tighter as well?"

Wait a minute. "Are you guys seriously comparing whose man has the tightest ass?"

"Yeah, and Helen won't admit Conner's the winner." Arianna grumbles.

"The winner of what? It's not a game." Helen practically screeches.

"You're just jealous." Arianna states, smirking.

"No I'm not." Helen narrows her eyes at Arianna.

Arianna's smirk turns into a full-on beam. "That's why you're turning red like you do when you're lying."

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