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The shades given by the tree were like a present for the two young boys sitting under it, the sun reappearing from the midst of the clouds like a spear, alerting Jeon Jungkook who pulled his sleeves further down his wrist and smiled at Kim Taehyung who continued.

"Now the only thing left is to meet my mate.." Smiling down at the ground when he saw the bright sunshine reaching his naked feets, he loved some beautiful days to make him and his wolf more calm.

"I'm sure you'll meet them sooner," Jungkook uttered, solely listening to the elder talking about how he wolfed out for the first time. "and I will love to meet your wolf,"

"V would love to meet you too. Koo..I would have changed right now but my uncle had said I need to wait till-the full moon for some ritual...based on our ancestors-or such.."

"oh..you had told me," Jungkook mumbled with glee shining in his gaze "but I really would prefer if you told me about this ritual,"

Taehyung raised his brows in surprise, "I thought you wanted the real explanation..?" he chuckled, making the younger laugh lightly, leaning back against the tree trunk behind him.

They stayed silent for a few minutes before Taehyung mumbled, "How humans find their mate-they..actually don't have a destined mate do they?"

Jungkook pinned his lips together with a certain smile. "W-we basically don't-unlike..you guy's or-vampires." tilting his head to look up at the sky again and smiling when he saw the sun hiding itself in the shadows of clouds once again.

"Wow, it must be tough luck right?" Taehyung laughed, running his hand through his hair.

"yeah..they-we are a..kind of special species.." he replied,

Taehyung laughed softly, and shook his head before setting them on his shoulders , "Yeah, that's definitely one way to put it,"

Jungkook hummed softly, liking how the elder decided to reside on his shoulders, making his one arm wrapping around the brunette's back and felt him settling in his chest. "Are you excited to meet your mate?"

"surely I am.." Taehyung responded without missing one heartbeat. "that's the only thing I have even wished since I was...young,"

"You're still so young," Jungkook chuckled, feeling the other nodding against his chest.

"Well...it just feels different now..I'm older than the others..they all have mates already...and then you.." he trailed off for a second,

"What about me?" Jungkook asked.

A slight hesitation came over the elder. But after a while he managed to spit out

"Someday..you will also have your own life and family-I know better than to live in fantasy.." and with those last words, the sunlight faded and Taehyung was left with darkness once again.

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