4. Christmas mess

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Sum up: Felix and his friend just wanted to go out, have fun and maybe even ask Santa for a little something. Let's just say that an embarrassing moment turned into something more..

P.S: thank you dear best friend for this amazing idea 💀🫶

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"Hurry hurry!!" Han shouted to Felix, impatiently tapping his foot waiting at the front door for the latter to finally get ready.

"WAAIT MY GOD!" An irritated voice echoed through the house. Han just rolled his eyes, grabbing his phone from his pocket to busy himself as he waited for Felix.
Loud steps hurrying down the stairs made Han look up from his phone.

"Finally!" Han waved his hands around, earning a scoff from the other.

"Lets go."

• • • •

"Woah..." Was all Felix could breathe out, astonished by the impressive decorations of the huge crowded mall.

It was Christmas afterall! Colorful lights hugging every inch of the staircases, plants, shops and the massive tree in the middle, upbeat yet heartwarming music playing through the speakers, enthusiastic children running around either searching for their parents or friends, big inflatable balloons in different shapes and cartoon characters and overall people enjoying themselves in different kinds of ways, either if it was by shopping or taking pictures.

The 2 boys were strolling around, entering every store they found in their way, eyes shining brightly with every little thing they saw. Almost like children seeing for the first time a new toy.

"FELIX LOOK! I WANT IT!!" Han pointed at the pair of headphones elegantly exhibited in a showcase of an electronics store.
Felix ran to stand besides him and looked at the item amazed.

Thereafter, they had got tired from walking around literally the whole mall. They also ended up buying nothing. They sat on a bench next to the active water fountain.

"Where the hell is Santa." Felix complained as he took a sip from his hot caramel-chocolate beverage. Han kept on scanning the area but no sight of the 'santa'.

Han's head abruptly stopped at the notice of a tall male figure with what seems like a red sweater and black pants. Han's eyes lit up but suddenly perceived it was just a normal person. Though, he wanted to prank the other because he had accidentally spilled his drink. After Han made the plan in his head he quickly turned to face the other.

"Ay felix bro!" He said with a playful smirk on his face.
"Look over there, i believe that's Santa." The prankster pointed to the male simply sitting next to the tree, talking with 2 other boys that looked around his age.

Felix was quick to get up and before he started walking towards the 'Santa', he shot Han a suspicious glare but brushed it off swiftly.

He speed-walked towards the 'Santa' and before the other could comprehend Felix's presence, Felix sat on his thigh.

"I've been looking for you for hours. Damn where were you."

The other boy looked at him in shock, unable to process what just happened. Before opening his mouth to speak, Felix started blabbering about what gifts he wants for Christmas.

Only when Felix glanced at Han literally dying in laughter he turned to face the flabbergasted boy.

"U-uh. Im not.. santa..."

Felix's eyes widened and in a millisecond he scrambled off the other boy's lap, falling on the ground in the process, a flustered scream leaving from Felix's soul. His cheeks went fully red.

"I-I IM SO SORRY!!" Felix was prompt to apologize, earning weird looks from some people around. The 'Santa's' friends just stood there laughing along with a dying han in the background.

Felix didnt give the boy time to respond before he swiftly got up and ran to Han, who had no idea what was waiting for him.

"Han.." Felix stood in front of the teared up boy with death written all over his eyes.

"S-SORRY BUT- BAHAHAHA" Felix smacked him on the head and started pulling him by his arm to escape the embarrassing situation.

"WHY THE FUCK DID YOU DO IT!" Felix began scolding the laughing mess of a person.

"Oh you're going to pay for this."

• • • •

On the other hand, Santa was left a flustered chaos with his friends still laughing.

"Hyunjin my dude! You even attract strangers!" His friend, Bangchan, said in between chuckling.

Hyunjin covered with one of his hand his face.

"Please, shut up" Was all that escaped the flustered boy.

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SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING FOR SUCH A LONG TIME 😭😭😭 Im working on another book and ive been quite busy these days
Hope yall liked it and if you have any requests for oneshots, message me 😚🫶

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