8. All for you

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Kinda angsty idrk 😭 just felt a lil sad 🥹

Nobody's POV

Felix was pacing around his dorm anxiously, his mind running in a deal of different directions. He was interrupted by a faint knock on the door, making him hurriedly walk to open it.

"We are going live in 15- woah you good?" Leeknow stood in front of him, staring surprised. Felix exhaled sharply and shrugged his shoulders.

"Yeah everything's okay. I'll be downstairs in a minute."

"Want me to wait?"

"No it's alright you can go." Felix said as he pushed his hair back with his hand. Leeknow nodded and soon after was out of the boy's sight.
He closed the door and sucked in a deep breath.

'Come on you got this.." he thought to himself as he made sure he was good enough to go.

Without conscious he was walking down the hallway towards the studio where the recording would be happening. His eyes fell onto the staff and then onto the members taking their seats. He hurried towards them and sat on the remaining spot.

His anxiety ceased once he made himself comfortable and no longer had the weight of being late.

Chatting filled the room as each member occupied themselves with something.

"Going live in 5!" A staff member announced, sitting behind the camera.

Felix sighed and looked around him. It hit him harshly then after seeing the blond who was next to him. His heart could jump right out of his chest at that moment, feeling his throat starting to sting. He brushed it off and glued his eyes to the camera.

"1 2- step out! Hello we are stray kids." Bangchan started and waved at the camera, his greeting followed by a number of hellos and bows.

A lengthy conversation was going on between members, laughter replenishing the room over and over again as jokes and comments were said. It was unusual though for Felix not to be taking part in any of what has been said over the past 15 minutes.

Nobody seemed to really notice though.

He clenched his shirt tightly and continuously flickered his eyes between the members except for one.
He swallowed the bitterness stuck in his tongue and slightly shook his head.
He sat upright and at last found himself staring at the one he shouldn't be.

He was smiling.

'How could he..' Felix wondered.

The worst of the worst happened when Hyunjin turned his head in hopes of stealing a glance of Felix without him noticing but realized the other was already looking at him.
He awkwardly cleared his throat and went back to talking with the others.

Felix snapped back to reality and downed the tight knot sitting in his throat.
Jeongin had given talking to him a few tries but all of them were turned down dryly.

Hyunjin on the other hand was restlessly looking at both the camera and the staff in the background.

To say he was feeling any different from the other would be a big, blatant lie.
But he couldn't do anything yet he hoped he could. He hoped for a development of the situation.

He couldn't even face the other without feeling horrible.

'Focus' Hyunjin pinched his nose ridge and sent a small smile to the camera.

• • • • • •

Topics and convos came and went painfully slow as the members literally milked them dry. Therefore, they were up to this time live.

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